Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas mayhem

In the city I live in a main highway that runs through the entire state is packed with cars, SUV's, trucks, service vehicles, and everything else with a motor. Even an occasional pedestrian, runner or bike can be seen. Yesterday out for a few errands I thought to myself, cell phones have given us freedom to the dire effects on environment. American are known for their love of independence which is why we shy away from public transportation. In our vehicle of choice we love to drive.

Now the environmental issue is present. How much more gasoline via oil are we using because of the freedom we have based on one technology. As a technology person with a career in telecommunication I am saddened by the way we abuse, without a glance, Mother Nature. Because we can afford, we abuse, each and every one of us, including me. It's there and we will use it until we use it up.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

A Green Moment

Today as we came together to sing our Christmas cantata our minister mentioned buying re-usable adult sippy cups when we were in the choir room. I often think about how many churches could go GREEN and not use up the styrofoam, paper products and plastic ware we use so often for our meals at church.

Maybe if we all adopted taking our own plates and silver and after eating we wiped off the plates and flatware and took it home again to wash. Image how much less would be in land fills.

As Pete Correll and Don Logan said in CEO Speaks, Sage Advice During Turbulent Times
there's just so much water, so much land and so many places to dump it all.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Ethics, Leadership, Persistence,Integrity, Trust, are important

Apparently there are two people with the same name and one blogs about improper behavior. Not sure why people want to publize inappropriate activity...on the internet of all things!

While writing the book CEO Speaks, Sage Advice During Turbulent Times occasionally I would ask the CEO's about ethics or put another way "doing what is right when no one is looking." It's all the way a person wants to live their life. We only have one and it is worth living well. Choices are a simple thing: good or bad, it's all in the choices we make.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

see CEO Speaks blog for the Green Chatter of today

Sharing a story about nature, God and FarmLinks

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Green from CEO Speaks, Sage Advice During Turbulent Times

"I think now steel and aluminum are probably the two most recyclable elements or products in the world."

Bill Jones and I discussing sustainable in terms of environment...I learned what we see coming out of steel plants is steam, not pollution!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Sobriety of Life

My mother died in her sleep on October 19th, 2010. She gave a gift of life to five people. She also gave the gifts of intelligence, creativity, hard work, ethics, morality, spiritual reverence and so much more. I have wondered many times if we are correct to bury the dead. I simply do not know.

So many refer to the Bible and the way their interruption of the of a phrase, passage of scripture. I simply do not know. What does God want me to do? How does God want me to live my life? Does He want me to be buried in the ground? These are moments that give me pause.

Let me do your will in all I touch, say and do.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Attending a local university game last night

Walking across campus and observing many young students I could not help be shocked by the involvement with the blackberries, iphones, etc. It was as if the people around were unimportant. What makes this so interesting is relationships are critical if a life is to be successful. Every relationship depends on paying attention to others needs and that is for work, home, family and community.

The engagement with technological devices are not going to keep you warm at night. Nor will it provide love, warmth, a loving home nor a long term relationship...just a few thoughts today.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Changing domicile

Attempting to move and down scale our residence I spent a fair amount of time cleaning out closets. I feel a little stupid. Why do we think we have to fill every nook and cranny including the closets? My hubby must have had five years of magazines saved in the top of the closet. We will keep the recycling truck busy for at least the next few weeks. Not only the magazines but tablet after tablet of writings (mine). Also found a few files with vehicle information and the cars have been gone for YEARS!

I'm more motivated then ever you soul search on the next saving project. It is necessary and when will I use it again? Good questions to start with anyway.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

This is amazing

This is amazing
Digeus has an amazing blog tool SnapIt Screen Capture 3.7 and it is highly effective.
Not sure what other products and services they offer but the blog software is cool!

Humans and creativity is amazing to me. What gifts God gives us is humbling to

Monday, October 11, 2010

Green manufacturing

While complying the book CEO Speaks, Sage Advice During Turbulent Times when I interviewed the CEO of a local steel company. This is what I learned: Steel and aluminum can both be recycled. Nucor has done a great job with that component in their business model. What you see around steel plants is mostly steam. What a relief to know these two important issues about steel manufacturing.

The other fact is the critical nature of safety. Bill Jones told me if someone gets hurt they're usually not following procedures.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Rodan & Fields

The orgins of Proactiv is now into anti aging...all right and away we go. No one wants to look old. No one wants to see wrinkles. No one wants a Botox mouth...well maybe some do but from the side they look like something that lives in the water instead of land.

This is a proven example of a way not to spend thousands on things that do not work.

This is a more natural way to go and I am all for it for those of us that want to go down fighting!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Engines running

This morning we woke to mild temperatures with a promise the day will be hotter. We have enjoyed a week of colder days lately. With a quick run to the store for a few items, after parking, I walk past a vehicle with the motor running. It was then still in the 70's, not exactly hot. Why do Americans think it is their birth right to run motors because they have the money to fill up the tank. Environmentalist could be more active with law enforcement and city hall to have an ordinance passed out-lawing idling to add a slight help to the air quality.

Are some people oblivious to everything but their own needs...yes, of course there is a plethora of oblivious humans.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Fund raiser that's GREEN

A school science project for a nephew and Innsbrook in North Carolina comes is GREEN which is so important for our children. Having a fund raiser that supports the environment is myself with that term but oh well. It is a blessed life including family, husband, grands etc.

Keeping the earth healthy is just as important as keeping our bodies, minds, emotions and hearts healthy.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Humans amaze me...yet again

Bottled water is a huge money maker in America yet many reports suggest it is less healthy than regular water from the tap or filtered tap water. If it is in plastic without a BPA free label chemicals leach into the water. Chemicals that are not only harmful but certainly not good for human consumption especially if the bottle is warmed by any form of heat. Yet so many people do not know the risk or ignore the risk of bottled water. Corporations selling the water are not going to share that information as long as revenue is being derived from the source. Wake up America and learn about your health and your babies health.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Cotton, an amazing fabric

Watching my hubby one night while he was working I noticed he had an old T-shirt on. A T-shirt my youngest son had given him 20 years ago. The body of the shirt is starting to pull away from the crew of the neck but I know he loves that shirt because of the soft texture. We all love comfortable clothes!

Yesterday I found out from a friend we are supposed to wash old clothes or dry rot will set in. Which means I best get busy. I have several baby night gowns my Mother made when my sibligs and I were of child bearing ages.

God has blessed us with great children, great grandchildren and a wonderful big family. Now we can celebrate the goodness of talent (Mother's) and the comfort of cotton.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Noise Pollution

Last evening between meetings I stopped for some tea and down time at a fast food place. At first I noticed the music and then came the droning of equipment. Not sure what the source was but I'm thinking air conditioning unit. The drone was constant and extremely agonizing. After about an hour I had to leave or leave later with a huge headache. The next meeting was an after hours event so the timing was not intolerable. Why with all the technology and putting computers into every thing why can we not find, buy and install quicker equipment. I was concerned about the people that work in that environment daily. Noise, it all adds up and yes, noise pollution is a very real thing.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Bamboo and the environment

Bamboo is nature, makes great floors, clothing, "linens" (which at one time were linen), and many other natural things we can use in our homes, offices and everything stays Natural. It is time to move away from manmade fibers, manmade = disaster for the environment. Today as yesterday we have a Green Exhibit going on in the city...I hope they are going on everywhere. When I heard news about the Gulf, read about plastic washes in the oceans and melting ice caps the distrubing part is there are those that do not believe such things exist...well if you do the research, yes, they do exist.

Putting a emergency brake on the materialism in America will help too. No more television sets that could fill a wall in our home. No more two and three houses and no I am not talking about a cottage on the beach, if you love the beach go for it. Electronics are everywhere and in everything. If you must have them at least recycle when they die...and they will die!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Aluminum Recycling

If you have aluminum foil that is not messy it can be recycled. Aluminum is made thinner but is the same materaial as a soda can.

It has been two years this fall since I stopped using paper towels in the kitchen. Using cloth for bacon or sausage draining may be a little more folding but I can not believe how we adjust to changes in our lives. Yes, there are times I still miss paper towels but modern conveniences have gone too far.

All those ocmputers in our applicances? I think just because they are available is not the reason to use them. Being a design engineer does not give the honor of plastic design a lot of merit. I know people steal but do we have to cover the world with plastic?

Friday, August 20, 2010

We are responsible for our actions

Ocean Garbage Patch Still a Mystery...The sheer scale of the affected area could rival that of the "Great Pacific Garbage Patch," although Lavender Law cautioned that both regions remain poorly defined, quoting an article on the internet, August 20, 2010 by Lawrence Hsu. As good stewards we are to protect and value the gifts God gave us when he made the earth.

These internet headlines made me sad today. Why do we humans abuse the earth so badly?

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

CEO Speaks and more

CEO Speaks, Sage Advice During Turbulent Times authored by Ina Stone was a year long project beginning in May of 2009, with release in June 2010. Knowing the lack of trust throughout many organizations and understanding the need to bring hope to others, Ina’s goal was to give people a glimpse at ethical CEO’s. The CEO’s in the book range geographically but primarily they are east of the Mississippi River with the exception of CEO’s from St. Louis, Dallas and Australia.

Ina is a consultant solving telecommunication problems which basically boil down to communication problems within the ranks of corporations. Ina has 27 years experience helping end user’s with issues for telecom service. While working in wholesale with a national carrier her job was to resolve electronic order differences so the installation could move forward. Many times those orders were for mission critical applications including ones for government agencies or large corporations. The process was frequently impeded within engineering groups. Ina’s urgent problem solving skills were required to expedite the process and put the project back on track.

Ina’s career began in sales and traversed into sales support and technical consulting. While with BellSouth she became a certified network engineer working with fiber based services between 1997 - 2007. In 2007 Ina became an independent telecom consultant.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Wow, time flies when the computer and router go down


Both are new and getting ready to adjust to a new computer with new Windows, how fun is that...some kid today pulled into a parking space beside me and was in my blind spot while I was pulling out. I left when he was getting out the car and rolled down the window to say "I did not see you". As a reply he yelled back, "look out your mirrors". Well, hot shot, mirrors are for the back and back side, not a direct side view! Ever heard of something referred to as a blind spot?

Driving can have it's moments for sure. The proof is in the pudding...road rage is alive and well...must have seen nine or ten cars pulled over in Nashville last Wednesday on the drive back and the police were in full swing. Speeding is not new but I65 is like the Indy 500 most days.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Summer Road Trips

Finally home from a 10 day trip traversing seven states with duplications for sure and oh how great to be home...while driving back today I noticed yet again how rich our country. Long stretches of highway are lush with green plants and miles and miles of heartland still are not inhibited. We have land, water, infrastructure, including utilities of all kinds, for the citizens of this country. We have internet via the library and yes even in more remote sites are states adding bandwidth for assisting those without the ability to pay. Education is available to most and so much more.

Feeling the twinges of patriotism is not new to me...I just so appreciate this land I love. Hope there are others reading this blog that feel the same way.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

CEO Speaks, Sage Advice During Turbulent Times

This book is such fun reward...talking with a friend and fellow worker today the feedback is wonderful. When we're given an idea and it comes to fruition and the feedback is so positive we know we're doing what is right. Not just for ourselves but for others involved in the process. I feel so humble to have had the success of the interviews but also all the friends made along the way.

Reaching out to others is one of the most rewarding aspects of life and living the good life. Truly a wonderful and blessed life. As someone said in the book, "learning to love" is something we can not teach except through our own willingness to love others.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Garbage cans and driving

In our neighborhood the garbage men leave the cans in mouth of the driveway and many times in the street...I realize it is a hot and nasty job but the company should train them better. The street is for the cars not the cans. Of course they are not really cans either but big plastic containers.

I recall when Xerox was frequently used as a reference to the copier.

We Americans are a strange bunch when it comes to language. The Brits have always fascinated me too with their combined accents and interesting expressions. Recently had the need to interface with a Brit ordering some cheese for the Atlanta Mart for The Cheese Knife owner, Myra Fairchild and his language was a hoot! He knew his cheese!

The marvels of culture always an interesting twist.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Technology Wizards

Attempting to use my husbands computer this morning (easy access to printer) I could not get onto the site I needed, email thru ATT using Yahoo servers no less...suddenly a voice begins to tell me how to make (my) computer easier to use...I have a suggestion for the world of geeks and PC manufacturers and software writers...and yes, I have blogged about this before...I have a brain and know how to use it so stop trying to make everything so easy. As a young friend said in her journal (yes, she gave it to me to read) we are educated into imbecility.

Not only that if the computer has to capitalize every sentence it is no wonder people can't spell, write, whatever! Going back to the basics is just fine with me and I do not need a geek or a group of geeks to tell me how to do everything.

Monday, July 12, 2010 it a thing of the past?

Visiting with a former colleague today as well as the Mother of two small children, 3 & 5 months, she shared some stories about baby talk...they are so wonderful! Babies are our gifts from God and as my young friend so apply said it "they beyond to God, we are their stewards". Wise beyond her years on this planet and she is a devote Christian as well as a great mother and wife I am sure. Anyway she and her husband are committed to having children with manners! Hurray, someone is willing to hop on the band wagon of parenthood...manners...that's what we used to call it and yes, in some it is alive today...

Friday, July 9, 2010

Driving Miss Daisy and more

For some reason people in this southern city think it is ok to run red lights, turn on yellow and block other from seeing on-coming traffic...all this happened today.

One female driver decided to slowly roll to the red light and was keeping everyone behind in the intersection so no one could turn...does anyone have a clue about how their behavior impacts negatively on others? Are we so inconsiderate we can not realize that consideration...something we used to call manners is still appreciated!

Standing the center of the isle at Costco a father, daughter and daughter's friend decided to play basketball...blocked people with carts. When I go shopping I am not there to play ball! Heads up people what we do impacts others...get a life and use your brain. A little maturity is definitely appreciated, Daddy!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Driving in neighborhood

Why do people drive in the middle of the road? In our neighborhood it is the way drivers are doing this and then if their vehicle is big enough for a family of four to live in they stay in the middle. Excuse me and where did you obtain your license?

The driving test I took stated driving on the right side of the did not mention whether someone else's car was in sight...Hello we have a brain engaged or not?

More driving lessons needed...if you think talking on the cell phone is making the rest of the world wait while you are engaged in conversation. Stay out of my way.
Going slow while talking is just plain rude to other drivers.

Another miracle in our neighborhood is the garbage cans left in the middle of the street. Not smart guys...I know it is hot and you are in a hurry but please move the cans off the street.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Turbulent Times indeed

For those that love to drive and talk this may be news. While you are concentration your conversation others are trying to get around you, pass you and can not figure out why with a 40 mph speed you are going 20 or 25 mph.

If you really must talk, pull over and chat away because no one appreciates you slowing them down when their lives are just as busy as yours. Everyone, well most of us, have families, laundry, cooking, cleaning and job responsibilities too. Add that to errands, shopping for groceries and a dozen other tidbits to do everyday. So when you slow me down I consider you to be rude.

Talk of Turbulent Times, my car is full of them when I'm driving behind inconsiderate people.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

CEO Reaction are all positive

So far everyone reading the book are sending positive comments. Another CEO ordered five books today. What a great gift to friends and family especially for business friends. This would also be a great guide for business students, MBA students and it may be hitting some campus book stores soon too.

Bulk orders receive a discount if over five copies are requested.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

CEO Speaks, Sage Advice During Turbulent Times

The comments coming in are humbling to the core. Everyone is raving about the book, the book format, the content, the cover, the pictures, everything is positive.

I feel so overwhelmed with humility and can not thank everyone enough for allowing this to happen. Without the CEO's it would not have gone anywhere and their assistants were wonderful, kind and responsive. This was a year long prayer God answered every step of the way.

Getting this out to those needing to know there is hope, most CEO's are ethical and they care about the employees.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

CEO Speaks, Sage Advice During Turbulent Times

The days do not have enough hours for the appointments, speaking engagements, and internet time to blog, sell books, visit friends and contacts, see family and maintain sanity. But it is so much fun!

Helping people understand that there are CEO's with integrity, strong values, community interest and ethics is so important.

The book covers best practices and what gives them angst too. The responses are interesting as well as insightful in the way people respond and where their thinking is going in today's world.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Calling all Universities with Ethics Courses

CEO Speaks, Sage Advice During Turbulent Times is now released and on my website. E-book and hardcopy available with CD coming soon. Also for a snapshot of content I will be adding a tidbit of contents for sampling. This book is about ethics, work, best business practices, what gives CEO's angst for a text sample.

40 CEO's share their insights into the world as they know it to be. Topics ranged from taxation of small businesses to work values to hiring practices plus.

This book is awesome in the best of the best ways.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

CEO Speaks, Sage Advice During Turbulent Times

A book of hope and the CEO's in the book are so happy to be in a book. Having breakfast with one, lunch with another and stopping by to give another a copy this morning and all are so pleased. They like the cover and enjoy reading their own interviews as well as all the others. I'll have copies on my website soon and will continue with hardcopies too. The weekend I am hoping for enough time to do a voice over for a CD for those busy travelers needing to hear versus read.

Everyone that has read the book are loving it. The format is awesome. This is God's work. He put this book in my head, made all those road trips, flights, hotels, lugguage issues just be non existent. So many blessings are in my life this is a way to give back, help others grow and celebrate the book and the process.

One year and the road has been bumpy at times but over all it has been beautiful.
Thanks be to God.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Gulf of Mexico, BP, Wildlife in the marshes, the ocean

As a telecommunication consultant I am saddened daily by the national news. Anyone seeing 60 minutes the night the oil rig worker was on the air was even sadder.

To know the real story and human power overriding a good decision is deplorable. When the need to getting it done fast because of budget over powers common sense is a shameful part of reality in corporate America and I guess in all companies.

The life in the ocean is one of the last remaining areas where at least some sea life can avoid the gulf and the destruction assaulting nature for weeks to come. Humans have been failing since the beginning of time and it seems as though some are hell bent on making it worse for all of us.

Going back to my analogy: When I sold telecom equipment and access I told clients the truth, if you want to mess it up, hurry it up. Same goes for oil drilling obviously.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

CEO Speaks, Sage Advice During Turbulent Times i

Boy what a wonderfull year it has been...I love this book. I love the people in the book and what a relief and success it is to celebrate a completed project!

The book is beautiful to me as are all the CEO's in the book. Each "chapter" ends wiht Sage Advice which are tidbits of knowledge from the years of experience.

The other factor I so enjoy is the pics, the bio's, the quotes from famous people peppered through the interviews.

God Bless all the CEO's who generously gave me an hour of their precious time.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

CEO Speaks, Sage Advice During Turbulent Times

Today I picked up a final proof with the real book being delivered in the morning.

This book is all class so Saturday we are having a few friends in to celebrate. Good food, good friends and who could ask for anything more. A year in the making and it is time to celebrate indeed.

I am so happy with the publisher, the photographer, the entire project has been beautiful including all the CEO's I interviewed.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

More GREEN thoughts for today

Living in the Southeast US I began a few years back to notice the amount of cars at the neighborhood lake where owners that will lock their keys inside the car. Leave the car running while with AC on while they go about their activities. Including sitting in the car. Yesterday one was outside the theater where we attended a movie.

Why do Americans from any where they they are above the rest of the world by being totally spoiled. Our troops are sweating like pigs in the middle east fighting for our freedom in full dress uniforms. We state side can not be responsible citizens and sweat two minutes? Something is very wrong with that mentality. We can not be uncomfortable for such a brief period of time? We are spoiled to the point of disgust in this country. With corporate crime of power in the Gulf by a BP manager or director destroying our coastline every day and yet we love burning that oil.

For every bird and coast mile destoryed our Congressional body should be fining BP for every animal, every beach, every wetland, every bird egg. American's stop your selfishness and be grateful you live in the USA. Please turn off the car!

Monday, May 31, 2010

The Gulf of Mexico

I was saddened by the 60 minutes program a week ago Sunday when the first program was an interview with someone on the rig that had the courage to jump into the ocean. Human error, human power and human politics was behind the spill. Not sure we can describe this one as a spill more like a train wreck. When explosions followed by fire, followed by disaster, followed by loss of 11 people and a major problem for the coast line of the Gulf. The worst environmental disaster to happen will impact animal and sea life for years to come. How can anyone, any company, any process justify the lack of care the BP worker had when capping the well. Saving a corporation money was probably at risk if capping had been done the way their corporate partner had wanted to cap the well. Saving on the front end is going to cost BP more then anyone can project. It would not surprise me if they go out of business. Their reputation will suffer for a long time. It took courage not only for that young man to tell the story but to pray and jump into the ocean from that height was unbelievable. He just wanted to see his wife and baby girl. God Bless him for telling the truth. We must be responsible for our actions when it comes to the environment.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Putting the Dream Team together

This is not rocket science. We need to all reach out to one another and help each other. The book mentioned below is the reason I feel compelled to blog in ways which may help others. Today a guest speaker at a professional organization was talking about the link between health and osteoporosis, yes it all goes together. Eat right, eat fruits and vegetables, exercise each day, work hard and focus on your diet for a good life. Being able to be around for our children, our grandchildren, our families, our friends is important. Reaching out to other businesses makes everyone stronger. Focus on helping others and the return will be 10 fold. The same goes with business. Reaching out to help others is critical to success. Again, it is not rocket science.

The book will be release early June and soon will have a CD on my website as well as other tools.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Green information for male babies

Did anyone see Sunday May 23 60 Minutes? The question is what is taking masculinity away from male babies? This is serious stuff or maybe it is God's way of slowing down population, who knows? Anyway it again points to plastics. Yet another finding
from man's inventions. I have two sons and one grandson and again they are healthy
and again, Thank God. Children are our greatest gifts from God and we forever love them regardless of age. Anyway that harms a child is not good.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

CEO Speaks, Sage Advice During Turbulent Times

I am so pumped! The publisher should be sending a pdf file tomorrow and the book could be done next week. Publishing is not for the faint hearted! This has been a trip; literally a trip across primarily the midwest, southeast and mostly east of the Mississippi River. For a typical type A a year is a long time but the fruition of this project is in sight! Even last week with the press release on my website it just feels wonderful.

The GREEN part is no publishing with paper and ink is not GREEN but when my CD is finished we can say we're GREEN. E-book & CD will be GREEN!

Oh the wonderful feeling of accomplishment.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Amazing Accomplishments

It so amazes me how people say writing is such an accomplishment. Having paid a professional editor for making sure the book is "clean" from errors, typos, etc., I'm not sure what writing/publishing are really. It is a relief to know another of lifes projects is moving forward to the finish line...ok so on to the next what? Book, no too soon. Consulting, speaking, selling books definitely. But I must say I love this book. Everything about it I love.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Publishing, consulting, community

Printing is not a Green industry yet this will be the third book I've self published and have more in the hopper. All this plus helping a friend get elected, hopefully, another friend gather wealthy locals for his non-profit, another friend market to the right market for another non-profit, plus take classes, network, make sales calls. Good grief no wander I'm tired at the end of the day. Opps, plus walk almost every day and up hills in the neighborhood. Did I mention cook seven days a week, clean the house, buy the groceries and run other errands. I'm exhausted just thinking about it all. Life is fun, full and full of great people too including family, friends, aquaintances. Life is good, I hope you enjoy your ride and be GREEN, at least as GREEN as possible.

Plant yellow and blue flowers this spring. Bring the honey bees food.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Awareness helps recycling

Today in a hurry to make dinner with little time I purchased two deep dish pie crust for quiche. Yes, real men do eat hubby's a personal trainer and loves quiche especially the black olive one I make. Anyway I made a cheese and ham quiche tonight with raw veggies and dip on the side. Quick and nutritious and yummy. The GREEN factor comes when I realized I could recycle the paper put between the two crusts to keep the crust from sticking. This may be extreme but tea bags are recycled as well as gum wrappers. Any non dirty paper can be recycled. Water is as precious as trees if not more so do not waste water to clean foil or any object unless you weight the benefit of recycling more important than the water.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

This is for Green and Telecommunication

I finished late this year in the tax arena...but more and more I read if giving talks about GREEN then I need to let my contract wireless/blackberry run out in about a year and five months and give up the wireless phone. If cellular is killing honey bees then I can live without. Being an example has always been tough, it was in the corporate world and will be in the real world but honey bees are too important to me. They pollinate our vegetables and fruit. I want this world to be here for the babies, yours and mine. Get serious about writing letters again instead of running our mouths 24/7...we need to care about Mother Earth and God's instructions. If people want to call me they can do so on the land line. Transition is better anyway than cell phones. Big boys we need to support the infrastructure and stop with the wireless nonsense.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

An IT professional agreed with me today

During two conversations two people in the technology field agreed that technology just may be our was in telecommunication within the Big company and the other in IT at a department with it's own IT department...interesting conversations indeed...the IT guy does believe in wireless hoop-la. No one can push data, big loads over wireless and the Big company says they are laying off people in the wireline tech side.

OK great right? Wrong again...honey bees can not be replaced and not the gizmos are going to take away the human race...maybe God decided we would take ourselves out and that was the plan? Don't know, but my opinion, wireless is NOT what it is cracked up to be. Of course I do not need to be running my mouth 7x24 either. We do LOVE to hear our own voice!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

wireless, wireless, wireless

Commuters are now shopping, running errands, standing in gas station pumping and talking, grocery stores, wholesale clubs, restaurants, driving (not wise) cell usage is on the increase. One article recently mentioned the unsureness of children using cell phones. We do not know the health implications yet and the article's writer was quoting medical research regarding children may be absorbing unhealth rays from cell phones. The honey bees are in agreement on this one. Are we forgetting how to write? How to meet face to face? How to build a relationship and have a sharing firm handshake. Wireless is killing the bees, end of story. Technology is a blessing and a curse. Bees are needed for foods like vegetables and fruit. No veggies and fruit, more cancer.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Watching the news tonight made me sad

I am not against Apple or their revenue source but selling thousands or 100's of thousands of the latest gadget makes me many honey bees will be left in another 10 or 20 years...dear God, why are humans not paying attention to environmental issues? Such as cell towers, pesticides, herbicides, etc as death to our existence...when American children are starving & food is in short supply maybe someone will get the idea! Why can such a great nation turn to crap? i.e.wireless? A known source for destroying bees, our pollination supplier?

Could Steve & Bill spend a little on H E L P! on the American home front, be an example in right causes...instead of the other? Remember the song, "This is the World"?

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Back to Environmental Issues

OK, I am extreme but tonight I put the bandaid individual package and tea bags from the daily cup in the recycling container. It works!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

March 30th blog

Guess I was in a hurry because I failed to make the figures indicate the national debt. This Easter Sunday we all need to pray for our country and a way to find employment for those without jobs.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

More on the national debt

Mounting concerns for our country and the numbers are below: 5.7 Trillion 2010
11.7 Trillion 2011
17 Trillion 2019
19 Trillion 2022

How can an aging workforce contend with this? Our children will have no retirement and probably no social security so now our answers are lay offs without income. How are people supposed to live? The health debate is only one of the problems. How can a country built of such strong values lapse into negligence on all sides? When will the American people stand up and say enough, no more taxation, no more approving all the debt. We can't even take care of our soldiers in foreign countries. How are we suppose to fund, fund, fund? I do not have the answers but this is absurd what is going on in Washington.

Monday, March 29, 2010

CEO Speaks, Sage Advice During Turbulent Times

Ethics was the topic today at a local university...three professors asked questions as well as some questions from the student body. Fielding the questions was a republican Senator...Ethics is the subject of the book above as well as other questions. Wanted the book to be released early 2010 and it looks like May will be the release date but wanted to do it right and hire a professional editor.

This man offered issues on the national debt which is a huge public issue...Obama is trying but Congress is not doing their jobs. Enough pork you are there to serve the country not just a small portion of it, please move onto the real issues and stop taxing the little guy and small businesses. Incentives to grow? Not if what I read is an indication.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Life, living and dying

Last week a young friend shared a year of journals she did eight years prior when her 19 year old brother was killed in a traffic accident. As one could imagine at the tender age of 21 she struggled with God, faith, anger, deep pain, torment over her family's pain as well as friendship, romance, during this trial in her life. With her sharing comes insight into the mind of this intelligent and accomplished young person. The overwhelming grief a family goes through during this type of loss.

Today she is fine and I am so grateful for the deep trust to share such private and riveting thoughts. The take away for me is observing young men go speeding through our neighborhood without a thought about the danger they could bring on themselves, let alone the grief of a family.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Wholesale Clubs for food, sheets, appliances, etc

Not sure these are such a hot idea or not...we use one for gasoline, frozen fruit for smoothies, fresh fruit and vegetables, butter, milk, eggs, etc...the problem is the salt in all the frozen prepared foods. The chicken pie is big enough for two or three meals at our house and some of the other is simply ladden with sodium. At every aisle someone is tempting you to eat something. It is no wonder America has an obseity problem the way we market everything...and there are people to seemingly go in these stores to eat lunch and I'm not talking about the lunch counter...the aisle sample. I may taste something particularly enticing if I'm hungry but some people are literally grazing their way through the store while shopping or their spouse shops.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

This may not have anything to do with environment

Regarding the area I live in it is well, beautiful to say the least, spring is absolutely gorgeous; dogwoods, azaleas, tulip trees and to mention pansies of every colors. There is a hitch: restrictive thinking, cultural biases, limited thinking and I am talking about some of the educated ones! Sharing with a young friend and she was born here in this state but a different town to the north. Get to know me and my heart before you judge me, my upbringing, my parents wealth or lack of...please we are all children of God. He did not say if you weren't born in Israel and no I am not talking against Jewish people or their faith. They too have a right to believe in God, their way. The same is with the states...let's pull together in this country instead of point out the differences. We will be much better off in all arenas in social environment, political environment, educational environment, all environments especially our own!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Serious environmental impacts

Thinking today about recent articles I've read and I realized greed is one of the absolute failures of mankind. Greed for money, power, sex, whatever is one of the most horrible of human faults. I am so disappointed in Washington and the nonsense of people we call leaders...leaders of what their own selfish motives and taking care of their districts, their states, their is time to clean house big time. The American people need to stand up and be heard. No more big business paying lobbyist for campaign contributions so they win and to heck with the little guy, little is still the 80/20 rule. The Little people are contributing 80% to the economy.

Are the people of Vermont less important then the ones from N. Carolina or Iowa, I don't think so. We need to be heard, our voices can reach by voting out the incumbents until there is a fresh start for protecting people, protecting the earth, protecting the water, the air, the ground. God gave us the earth to live on not to use up

Monday, March 22, 2010

This should be a StoneRings blogspot

Today an environmentalist writer says the use of the internet for coral and exotic animals are devastating wild life and the ocean's rare breeds. The criminal mind and human greed are serious to all of us "normal people"...whatever normal is? I recall Freud's quoted statement, "when we describe normal we may be describing ourselves"...or so I've been told.

I have one thought. If there were no demands on exotic animals and rare breeds the world would be a better place. Plus someone I know that specializes in exotic animal care has a friend that works on documentaries with rare animals and has come down with some strange health thanks I'll take health of myself, my spouse, my family over anything money can buy because it can not buy health.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Parade Magazine

Cellphones, technology, upgrades in technology are under fire. Cancer radiation from cellphones, technology questions for health causes and how long will it be before we know for sure? Ten years, fifty years? I remember when asbestos was in schools, ships, hospitals, and last year a brother-in-law who lied to serve was treated for cancer caused by asbestos. Yet at 17 years of age going into the navy, serving his country during WWII and now at approximately 50 years later and almost 50 years of smoking he had cancer caused by asbestos. So the scare of brain tumors may not be known for a long time. Certainly with all the research and ideas around technology of any type including knowing re-cycling indicates 7 deadly toxins in computers...Americans have been inventing things for years...let's come out of this recession and prove ourselves again...we can do this together...I truly believe in America and our country. I also think we need to start fresh with Congress, all of the seats R's & D's and allow Obama to make some mistakes, yes, but allow the man to be President without parasitic wrangling.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Use not abuse

Air is a precious commodity until it becomes so conaminated we can't breath. Walking each morning in the neighborbood I frequently see car's with their motors running. In the winter it is for the heater to warm, summer, just the reverse. Why bother going to the lake if all you want is to sit in the car? Not only is the process a huge waste of gas but those drivers are also polluting the air all around where people are walking, running, children playing...need I say more? Being in the south it amazes me I live in a state with so little care about our environment...this is a beautiful area of trees, plants, flowers, etc...yes and critters too. The wealth is mind boggling and the chemicals on the yawns are just as mind boggling. Southerner's must have pretty lawns. I wonder how pretty it will all be when we see the last of the honey bees due to wireless and pesticides.

Technology of all sorts just may be our greatest enemy after all.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Green tennis shoes of any kind

Because my husband is a personal trainer we spend time shopping and usually in store I would not frequent...because I do use athletic wear but the demand is not to replace items all that often. January the need for new work shoes came up so off we for athletic footwear. In a local store while talking with the salesperson I discovered there are Green athletic Shoes and they disintegrate within ten years, Yeah!! Because I do not mention company names (never know who may pick you for sponsorship) the brand I can not mention however I am sure your local athletic shoe stores are aware.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Entertaining with everyone contributing

Entertaining three couples last night and what a wonderful wholesome brought appetitizer, one brought wine and bread, one brought a fantastic chocolate cake and I made lasagna and salad...yummy stuff. The men talked, the women talked in separate rooms and we all laughed, shared, and genuinely enjoyed one another and getting to know one another...we as females are soulmates in values and the men enjoyed one another for the first time together. Fun, beautiful people it's as simple as that and life does not get any better then people, food and laughter as well as sharing especially when everything was perfect...I did splash a little salad dressing on my top but what's a fun evening without a spill or two?

Honey bee solutions

Simple solutions to help to reduce damaging the bee population will help some:

Stop with the pesticides,on lawns and crops or we will not have any to eat!
Buy organic
Buy yellow and blue flowers
Buy cotton fabrics
Support local farmers
Support local bee hives
Support science for reduction and elimination of chemical harmful to environment
Stop supporting organizations that make harmful chemicals
Stop supporting companies by buying harmful chemicals
Do the research

Sterile pollen will not help anyone or anything grow...we must turn this disaster around now...

Saturday, March 6, 2010

More bee information

My son is a physical therapist and frequently has older clients that go into hospice care...they are literally at the end of their days. One elderly woman had been a chemical engineer. My son asked if she had any regrets...her response was "the bees".

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Almost ready to publish

Wow, the past eight months have been busy! CEO Speaks will soon be in the final editing phase and I can get busy with other projects. What a trip this has been, 12 cities in 6 weeks, 44 CEO's later, 2 or 3 will be omitted...didn't have the pictures or bio's to me and I can not change the format, not at this state, the eastern half of the country covered with one CEO from Australia. Other cities were Miami (2), Jacksonville, Sarasota, St. Pete, Atlanta, Nashville, Dallas (2), St. Louis, Ft. Wayne, Ft. Lauderdale, Dayton (4), Birmingham (18), New York, Boston, Baltimore...I think that's it. The art work is done, format done, publisher selected, the interviews were completed the first week of December...took one week off for holidays and visit family another week for family in Florida, but the remaining June 2009 to March 2010 worked sixty or seventy hours a week on one project, I am tired! The CEO's were awesome, trips without a hitch, transcription is NOT my gift, but we are almost complete. All for the grace God. This book will be on the website within the next 30 days! Then the CD not long after. What a project! CEO Speaks will be a book to lend credence to the American public and hope to those that fail to see business ethics in the best light...

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Pooling intelligence

With so many brilliant minds in research one would think someone would be asking the hard questions...What is the down side to this invention, this research, this concept, the idea? There is always a positive and a negative to all factors of life. The opposite of hate is love, the opposite of strong is weak, the opposite; seems like an easy thing to do. Do we get so bent on doing an activity we do not consider the manifestation of the good and the bad? Is our focus so grand we can not evaluate the negatives on humans or animals or insects or the earth?

Wireless waves killing honey bees by messing up their systems, their reproduction, their cycle to make protein in their tiny bodies that give the process of fertilizing plants for fruit and vegetables. What is the up side to not having nutritious food? What is the up side for not having a balanced diet in a country known for heart failure, obesity, cancer, high blood pressure and strokes? What is the up side for political gain in Washington while many can not afford health care? Who's paying whom to do what? Big business. Fat pockets maybe?

Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Bloom Box

So a small wireless box from Bloom Energy will energize our world by a rocket engineer, literally a rocket engineer. Sounds great right? Wrong.

Honey bees according to the local newspaper today are negatively impacts by wireless towers...we can live without energy, maybe not the way we live today but humans lived for thousands of years without energy from electric companies. But we can not live without honey bees. Add pesticides and the bees will be extinct as soon as we live in a totally wireless world. All the big money supporting the technology in California has come from huge companies with huge still runs our world. How many plants; fruit and vegetables come from California? Do you think those companies have done any research on honey bees. Infrastructure is expensive yes but it's cheat compared to extinct humanity.

The towers and the technology mess up the honey bees solar system. Solar systems that pollinate our plants and are messed up by wireless because they can't find their way back to the hive. Bees too have a reproducing system too, in the hive...maybe if the Bloom Energy is installed inside maybe the two can go together but not if it is wireless . What two? Energy saving and honeybees. Electromagnetic radiation comes from wireless towers so if Bloom Energy continues someone best devise a way to pollinate plants. One bee can fly 6000 miles to forage to make .21 grams of honey while pollinating the plants of the world. Stop with the wireless technology making everything wireless.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Interesting facts

During the process of interviewing, transcribing, editing, reviewing, editing, editing, editing CEO Speaks a few things surfaced: CEO's are just people, CEO's care about employees, employees' families, God, country, employee benefits, and although they are smart people they too make mistakes and have verbal goofs just like we all do.

Observing speech patterns is interesting. Not giving a speech just the patterns of speaking some said "So" at the beginning of many sentences. Yet after 44 interviews not one acted arrogant, not one talked down to me, not one was dis-respectful in any way. Just the opposite. All were polite, friendly, patient, and some have become friends. Another observation was some left me feeling so humble and so grateful for their time, the willingness to share and their honesty about concern for others. Several care deeply about legislation, small business leaders and their business.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

CEO Speaks...Still not finished but close

While compiling this book on ethics in business entitled CEO Speaks: Sage Advice During Turbulent Times the central theme of the book is constructed around interviews with some of America’s most successful business leaders.

The diversity of CEO’s include industries which became the catalyst for creative thought while incorporating best business practices into many of the interviews. Practices some CEO's included in the question regarding advice for new college graduates.

People everywhere want hope and a voice of morality at this time of fear, distrust, and job loss. They are desperate for positive impact, leadership, and direction. This book’s purpose is to lend hope for those hurting from job loss, 401K reduction, and all the negatives of our current state. We are not alone. Our world is smaller, more complex and tainted with crime and greed. We can turn our world around, together.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Computer are everywhere and in everything

Good grief I guess it is an age thing but can we step back and look at what is really necessary in the appliance world of manufacturing...I think after all these years I can do a load of laundry without electronics. Give me a electro mechanical washer, drier, stove top, oven, refrigerator, etc. Computers have seven deadly chemicals including arsenic so why are we putting computers into everything in our home? My brain is much more efficient then a computer. We a slowly poisoning our environment with computers and no they are not going away rather they are on the rise.

Is it truly necessary to use an electronic device in all appliances? People survived for thousands of years without them. We need to step back and think before making more and more computerized gadgets.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Water is important

Changing to leave the gym this morning and dabbing on some makeup I realized behind me water was running and no one was there. Another person had turned on the water and gone into use another part of the restroom...why? Water is one of the most important natural resources we is not to be wasted either. So this water was running on a water bottle...another waste in our country...bottled water.

Careful with what is being flushed down the drain too. Pharmaceuticals, paint and other chemicals should not be flushed down the sink or the toilet. Controlling others' waste is not something that we can do but we can educate ourselves against wasting any resource including water. Remember when you were a kid and mother or dad was always saying, turn off the lights, turn off the water? still applies today.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Thinking outside the box...

Thinking back on the washing machine today I have a serious question. Do design engineers think people can not figure out how to run a machine? Computer software Microsoft has been thinking for us for years. Why does everything needs a computer to mess up ordinary life? Do companies really think we are so stupid we can not do simple tasks? These are serious questions.

If someone is so mentally challenged they can not run a machine they need to have help.
That statement is not something I mean lightly. I would never wish mental challenges on any one and yes they do need help, sincerely. The same statement could apply to a normal person (whatever that means) with average intelligence on some type of medication.

The whole point being, allow us to use our brains instead of treating the average consumer with idiot design. I am losing respect for design engineers. The respect for software designers has been gone for a long time...we need trust not brains, we're big people we can figure it out for ourselves.

Monday, January 4, 2010


Having bought a new clothes washer and drier this summer we purchased an energy efficient washer. The problem is not the energy, the problem is someone in engineering assumes I do not know how to think for myself.

When it comes to engineering and technology someone in engineering is not smart...the washer has managed to re-program itself and now a light load of clothes is taking 53 minutes. I have been doing laundry for over 4o years. I think I know how long a light load of wash needs as well as any other wash. Can we stop thinking for people and allow them to think for themselves?

So the energy smart clothes washer is now using way too much water...what's more important? Water or energy...ask a almond farmer in California, the answer is water not electricity.

If we are allowed to think for ourselves we could save both energy and water.