Tuesday, August 17, 2010

CEO Speaks and more

CEO Speaks, Sage Advice During Turbulent Times authored by Ina Stone was a year long project beginning in May of 2009, with release in June 2010. Knowing the lack of trust throughout many organizations and understanding the need to bring hope to others, Ina’s goal was to give people a glimpse at ethical CEO’s. The CEO’s in the book range geographically but primarily they are east of the Mississippi River with the exception of CEO’s from St. Louis, Dallas and Australia.

Ina is a consultant solving telecommunication problems which basically boil down to communication problems within the ranks of corporations. Ina has 27 years experience helping end user’s with issues for telecom service. While working in wholesale with a national carrier her job was to resolve electronic order differences so the installation could move forward. Many times those orders were for mission critical applications including ones for government agencies or large corporations. The process was frequently impeded within engineering groups. Ina’s urgent problem solving skills were required to expedite the process and put the project back on track.

Ina’s career began in sales and traversed into sales support and technical consulting. While with BellSouth she became a certified network engineer working with fiber based services between 1997 - 2007. In 2007 Ina became an independent telecom consultant.

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