Sunday, June 6, 2010

More GREEN thoughts for today

Living in the Southeast US I began a few years back to notice the amount of cars at the neighborhood lake where owners that will lock their keys inside the car. Leave the car running while with AC on while they go about their activities. Including sitting in the car. Yesterday one was outside the theater where we attended a movie.

Why do Americans from any where they they are above the rest of the world by being totally spoiled. Our troops are sweating like pigs in the middle east fighting for our freedom in full dress uniforms. We state side can not be responsible citizens and sweat two minutes? Something is very wrong with that mentality. We can not be uncomfortable for such a brief period of time? We are spoiled to the point of disgust in this country. With corporate crime of power in the Gulf by a BP manager or director destroying our coastline every day and yet we love burning that oil.

For every bird and coast mile destoryed our Congressional body should be fining BP for every animal, every beach, every wetland, every bird egg. American's stop your selfishness and be grateful you live in the USA. Please turn off the car!

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