Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Serious environmental impacts

Thinking today about recent articles I've read and I realized greed is one of the absolute failures of mankind. Greed for money, power, sex, whatever is one of the most horrible of human faults. I am so disappointed in Washington and the nonsense of people we call leaders...leaders of what their own selfish motives and taking care of their districts, their states, their pork...it is time to clean house big time. The American people need to stand up and be heard. No more big business paying lobbyist for campaign contributions so they win and to heck with the little guy, little business...it is still the 80/20 rule. The Little people are contributing 80% to the economy.

Are the people of Vermont less important then the ones from N. Carolina or Iowa, I don't think so. We need to be heard, our voices can reach by voting out the incumbents until there is a fresh start for protecting people, protecting the earth, protecting the water, the air, the ground. God gave us the earth to live on not to use up

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