Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Bamboo and the environment

Bamboo is nature, makes great floors, clothing, "linens" (which at one time were linen), and many other natural things we can use in our homes, offices and everything stays Natural. It is time to move away from manmade fibers, manmade = disaster for the environment. Today as yesterday we have a Green Exhibit going on in the city...I hope they are going on everywhere. When I heard news about the Gulf, read about plastic washes in the oceans and melting ice caps the distrubing part is there are those that do not believe such things exist...well if you do the research, yes, they do exist.

Putting a emergency brake on the materialism in America will help too. No more television sets that could fill a wall in our home. No more two and three houses and no I am not talking about a cottage on the beach, if you love the beach go for it. Electronics are everywhere and in everything. If you must have them at least recycle when they die...and they will die!

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