Saturday, February 6, 2010

CEO Speaks...Still not finished but close

While compiling this book on ethics in business entitled CEO Speaks: Sage Advice During Turbulent Times the central theme of the book is constructed around interviews with some of America’s most successful business leaders.

The diversity of CEO’s include industries which became the catalyst for creative thought while incorporating best business practices into many of the interviews. Practices some CEO's included in the question regarding advice for new college graduates.

People everywhere want hope and a voice of morality at this time of fear, distrust, and job loss. They are desperate for positive impact, leadership, and direction. This book’s purpose is to lend hope for those hurting from job loss, 401K reduction, and all the negatives of our current state. We are not alone. Our world is smaller, more complex and tainted with crime and greed. We can turn our world around, together.

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