Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Technology Wizards

Attempting to use my husbands computer this morning (easy access to printer) I could not get onto the site I needed, email thru ATT using Yahoo servers no less...suddenly a voice begins to tell me how to make (my) computer easier to use...I have a suggestion for the world of geeks and PC manufacturers and software writers...and yes, I have blogged about this before...I have a brain and know how to use it so stop trying to make everything so easy. As a young friend said in her journal (yes, she gave it to me to read) we are educated into imbecility.

Not only that if the computer has to capitalize every sentence it is no wonder people can't spell, write, whatever! Going back to the basics is just fine with me and I do not need a geek or a group of geeks to tell me how to do everything.

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