Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Bloom Box

So a small wireless box from Bloom Energy will energize our world by a rocket engineer, literally a rocket engineer. Sounds great right? Wrong.

Honey bees according to the local newspaper today are negatively impacts by wireless towers...we can live without energy, maybe not the way we live today but humans lived for thousands of years without energy from electric companies. But we can not live without honey bees. Add pesticides and the bees will be extinct as soon as we live in a totally wireless world. All the big money supporting the technology in California has come from huge companies with huge still runs our world. How many plants; fruit and vegetables come from California? Do you think those companies have done any research on honey bees. Infrastructure is expensive yes but it's cheat compared to extinct humanity.

The towers and the technology mess up the honey bees solar system. Solar systems that pollinate our plants and are messed up by wireless because they can't find their way back to the hive. Bees too have a reproducing system too, in the hive...maybe if the Bloom Energy is installed inside maybe the two can go together but not if it is wireless . What two? Energy saving and honeybees. Electromagnetic radiation comes from wireless towers so if Bloom Energy continues someone best devise a way to pollinate plants. One bee can fly 6000 miles to forage to make .21 grams of honey while pollinating the plants of the world. Stop with the wireless technology making everything wireless.

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