Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Sharing Resources, The Power of Numbers

One of the local university's has a leadership series with the business community invited to share ideas, speakers, panel discussions and best practices. A smart idea for sharing and community relations while supporting an excellent institution for educating. This morning the panel was primarily discussing sustainability in our community, Birmingham, Alabama. What struck me was the intelligence, the discipline, the willingness to share solid ideas, regarding every segment of social and business culture. Call it Green, call it environmental, call it social awareness, call it what you may the community leaders in that group had it right.
Let's share resources, the pie is big enough for everyone. I'm paraphrasing their words: intellectual property such as peoples minds, keeping our young talent in our community, principles of leadership by sharing best practices, intelligent strategies for consolidation of resources instead of political nonsense. Eliminate the bountries of race, religion, getting in the real game of sustainability, caring about community and acting through conviction. The earth is not owned by us, it belongs for everyone including the future. The earth is not a trite topic to be ignored or abused. Neither should people and their values for sustainability. Sharing together, bringing power to people to care about the earth. One last statement: Term limits for all political figures. Trite and jaded come to mind here for those the become insensitive. The world is not limited to a community, we are all here to share, together, not separately. Birmingham is absolutely beautiful, let's get our image changed to reflect our beauty instead of our shame.

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