Sunday, June 28, 2009

Please Engage the Brain

Talking with one of my nieces today, she has a young friend with a 6 year old son, his mommy is dying of pancreatic cancer. It was her turn today to take the child into her home so the young wife and mother could have time with her husband. This is the stuff that brings tears to my eyes and heart...our discussion continued, we both think the increase in this horrible disease is environmental. Believe what you want, we need help from corporate greed, pollution in all forms, as well as social responibility. STOP, ENOUGH already. We need corporate AMERICA to stop killing the human race, sea and animal life. Killing our forest. Killing wildlife. We need to stop the greed, human and corporate. Stop hiding behind the money thrown at non-proifts and PR. Start throwing the money to non-profit and do the research on the non-profit and throw money at research to STOP pollution, especially your own.

Today, quick run for milk. Cows belch and flatulation more CO2 then any other industry, yep, this farm girl loves her milk, 59 years later, still love milk. Want cows, yep. Chick filet will love more chiken! Stop pollution, come on science, work harder, I'll contribute!

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