Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Beautiful Earth

As I was contemplating about what to write today I was watching the running pictures at the top right of the Green Chatter Blog. Any one that appreciates the beauty of nature, the wonder of how it works together, must truly believe we can not continue with a course of abusing our natural resources, depleting the earth of oil and fores, while poluting the waters. Mankind seems to be in a dare with God. I'm not a scientist and I never studied geology, archelogy, or space exploration but you have to admit it is all very amazing. When I give Green Talks. I openly tell people this too. That does not mean I live with my head in the sand. As a child I watched and observed the way my parents respected the earth and it's creatures. Mother & Daddy were recycling long before recyle was a the word with household recognition. Respect for the earth is simple, respect for the air we breathe is difficult unless you have a disease that limits the air intake...think about that for awhile if you think insatible is sustainable because it is not. Think about the 31.2 billion water bottles made every year.

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