Sunday, October 18, 2009

harping again about packaging engineers

I am so tired of the world of plastic...this stuff does not go away people. Everything is plastic containers, plastic bottles, plastic makeup, shampoo, conditioner, soft containers...just look around in your cabinets, your drawers, house or office. Plastic tool boxes, plastic sewing boxes, plastic cases, suitcases, sewing cases, not to mention ccomputers, games and thirty dozen other electronic all encased in plastic. Even paper clips are plastic and yes they break.

Metal paperclips live for years, never break and yes can even rust. Can we please reduce this dependency on plastic the uses oil and toxic chemicals. Please come up with another way to package especially for food and other ingredients that are absorbed by the body including lips, lips are skin too so chemical engineers careful about the red dye or anything in the lipstick tube that may be toxic.

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