Saturday, October 31, 2009

Reuseable bags

Awareness is a interesting phenomenon. When people find out plastic bags are bad for the environment they come up with myraid excuses about forgeting reusable bags, recycling the plastics ones, etc. I have began a mind game with myself. If I forget the bags in the truck of the car I push the cart aside and go back to the car to retrieve the bags. Then I get in line at the register. It's a way to eliminate so many bags being used. Once in a while I still forget when stopping by Home Depot or some other store. If we have the receipt why have a bag if the item is small or any thing we can carry to the car without the bag?

With 381B yes, that's BILLION made each year why can't we outlaw them like a friend said Colorado reportedly has done? Makes sense to me. Save the oil, save the animals, save the people save the earth.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Hotels are trying but please it will take us all

After checking into a hotel recently I found a card saying to save water, bleach, soap on the environment just hang the card on the door before 2:00 am if you do not need a linen change. I did that immediately. The next morning the card was shoved under my door. The thoughts were great, they know I'm covered and we'll save a minuet bit together. Well much to my chagrin that afternoon upon returning to my room everything was nice and neat with all fresh linens.

Ok, once again, where is the communication break down? This is a process, system and communication breakdown. Why not have a dumb system (low cost) that allows the customer to input a feed into the system. Save all the paper & printing and promotion for e-devices. Allow the system to feed into the smart system once every four hours and housekeeping would save on output of human hours, save on costs, save environmental pollution.

Everyone wins.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

harping again about packaging engineers

I am so tired of the world of plastic...this stuff does not go away people. Everything is plastic containers, plastic bottles, plastic makeup, shampoo, conditioner, soft containers...just look around in your cabinets, your drawers, house or office. Plastic tool boxes, plastic sewing boxes, plastic cases, suitcases, sewing cases, not to mention ccomputers, games and thirty dozen other electronic all encased in plastic. Even paper clips are plastic and yes they break.

Metal paperclips live for years, never break and yes can even rust. Can we please reduce this dependency on plastic the uses oil and toxic chemicals. Please come up with another way to package especially for food and other ingredients that are absorbed by the body including lips, lips are skin too so chemical engineers careful about the red dye or anything in the lipstick tube that may be toxic.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Packaging Engineers are NOT GREEN

Recently my niece gave me a pet egg for shaving feet. While opening the egg which was the size of two regular large eggs I used scissors and ripped and ripped and ripped plastic packaging. When are corporations going to stop using plastic that can not be recycled? I understand wanting to protect against theft but good grief could we not find a better solution. American's are such consumers and go into any product store for electronics, cosmetics, tools even food and it is absurd the amount of plastic. It is everywhere. Now knowing chemicals are bad and plastic is made from chemicals and petroleum is there not a solution for recycled containers?

Saturday, October 10, 2009

National Geographics for Green Living

Since National Geographics does such a fantastic job of Green information I decided to start writing recipes intertwined with GREEN plus the movie about Julie and Julia motivated me to write about food, again plus I want to update the recipe book we published in 2008...for those that love Blue cheese...

4 oz. of Blue cheese, crumble
2/3 can of black olives, chopped
enough mayonnaise to allow spreading consistency, about 1 tablespoon

Spread into two heads of endive for appetizer

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Ok, after Julie and Julia

Is food GREEN? Not really but it isn't un-GREEN with all scraps, composting, etc.

So while the movie was rolling and I saw what she was making knowing I had fresh tomatoes in the kitchen it was a must...ok many you'll have to wait until summer unless you live south and still have tomatoes...

Brown an inch thick slices of bread in butter
Slice or chop tomatoes layer on top
Chop onion and pepper, small amount of both
Chopped fresh basil, sprinkle on top of vegetables
Pour a 1/2 tablespoon of Balsamic vinegar & 1/2 tablespoon oil in squeeze bottle (the type the ketchup comes in at the fast food place) ok, I'm dating myself
top with shredded Monterrey jack cheese

I use five slices, 1 tomato, 1 green onion and 1 inch of pepper (any color), amount of cheese, personal choice...for the 2 of cooking, stay food, stay posted...I'm a professional that has been cooking for a very long time!