Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Pooling intelligence

With so many brilliant minds in research one would think someone would be asking the hard questions...What is the down side to this invention, this research, this concept, the idea? There is always a positive and a negative to all factors of life. The opposite of hate is love, the opposite of strong is weak, the opposite; seems like an easy thing to do. Do we get so bent on doing an activity we do not consider the manifestation of the good and the bad? Is our focus so grand we can not evaluate the negatives on humans or animals or insects or the earth?

Wireless waves killing honey bees by messing up their systems, their reproduction, their cycle to make protein in their tiny bodies that give the process of fertilizing plants for fruit and vegetables. What is the up side to not having nutritious food? What is the up side for not having a balanced diet in a country known for heart failure, obesity, cancer, high blood pressure and strokes? What is the up side for political gain in Washington while many can not afford health care? Who's paying whom to do what? Big business. Fat pockets maybe?

Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Bloom Box

So a small wireless box from Bloom Energy will energize our world by a rocket engineer, literally a rocket engineer. Sounds great right? Wrong.

Honey bees according to the local newspaper today are negatively impacts by wireless towers...we can live without energy, maybe not the way we live today but humans lived for thousands of years without energy from electric companies. But we can not live without honey bees. Add pesticides and the bees will be extinct as soon as we live in a totally wireless world. All the big money supporting the technology in California has come from huge companies with huge revenue...money still runs our world. How many plants; fruit and vegetables come from California? Do you think those companies have done any research on honey bees. Infrastructure is expensive yes but it's cheat compared to extinct humanity.

The towers and the technology mess up the honey bees solar system. Solar systems that pollinate our plants and are messed up by wireless because they can't find their way back to the hive. Bees too have a reproducing system too, in the hive...maybe if the Bloom Energy is installed inside maybe the two can go together but not if it is wireless . What two? Energy saving and honeybees. Electromagnetic radiation comes from wireless towers so if Bloom Energy continues someone best devise a way to pollinate plants. One bee can fly 6000 miles to forage to make .21 grams of honey while pollinating the plants of the world. Stop with the wireless technology making everything wireless.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Interesting facts

During the process of interviewing, transcribing, editing, reviewing, editing, editing, editing CEO Speaks a few things surfaced: CEO's are just people, CEO's care about employees, employees' families, God, country, employee benefits, and although they are smart people they too make mistakes and have verbal goofs just like we all do.

Observing speech patterns is interesting. Not giving a speech just the patterns of speaking some said "So" at the beginning of many sentences. Yet after 44 interviews not one acted arrogant, not one talked down to me, not one was dis-respectful in any way. Just the opposite. All were polite, friendly, patient, and some have become friends. Another observation was some left me feeling so humble and so grateful for their time, the willingness to share and their honesty about concern for others. Several care deeply about legislation, small business leaders and their business.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

CEO Speaks...Still not finished but close

While compiling this book on ethics in business entitled CEO Speaks: Sage Advice During Turbulent Times the central theme of the book is constructed around interviews with some of America’s most successful business leaders.

The diversity of CEO’s include industries which became the catalyst for creative thought while incorporating best business practices into many of the interviews. Practices some CEO's included in the question regarding advice for new college graduates.

People everywhere want hope and a voice of morality at this time of fear, distrust, and job loss. They are desperate for positive impact, leadership, and direction. This book’s purpose is to lend hope for those hurting from job loss, 401K reduction, and all the negatives of our current state. We are not alone. Our world is smaller, more complex and tainted with crime and greed. We can turn our world around, together.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Computer are everywhere and in everything

Good grief I guess it is an age thing but can we step back and look at what is really necessary in the appliance world of manufacturing...I think after all these years I can do a load of laundry without electronics. Give me a electro mechanical washer, drier, stove top, oven, refrigerator, etc. Computers have seven deadly chemicals including arsenic so why are we putting computers into everything in our home? My brain is much more efficient then a computer. We a slowly poisoning our environment with computers and no they are not going away rather they are on the rise.

Is it truly necessary to use an electronic device in all appliances? People survived for thousands of years without them. We need to step back and think before making more and more computerized gadgets.