Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Bamboo and the environment

Bamboo is nature, makes great floors, clothing, "linens" (which at one time were linen), and many other natural things we can use in our homes, offices and everything stays Natural. It is time to move away from manmade fibers, manmade = disaster for the environment. Today as yesterday we have a Green Exhibit going on in the city...I hope they are going on everywhere. When I heard news about the Gulf, read about plastic washes in the oceans and melting ice caps the distrubing part is there are those that do not believe such things exist...well if you do the research, yes, they do exist.

Putting a emergency brake on the materialism in America will help too. No more television sets that could fill a wall in our home. No more two and three houses and no I am not talking about a cottage on the beach, if you love the beach go for it. Electronics are everywhere and in everything. If you must have them at least recycle when they die...and they will die!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Aluminum Recycling

If you have aluminum foil that is not messy it can be recycled. Aluminum is made thinner but is the same materaial as a soda can.

It has been two years this fall since I stopped using paper towels in the kitchen. Using cloth for bacon or sausage draining may be a little more folding but I can not believe how we adjust to changes in our lives. Yes, there are times I still miss paper towels but modern conveniences have gone too far.

All those ocmputers in our applicances? I think just because they are available is not the reason to use them. Being a design engineer does not give the honor of plastic design a lot of merit. I know people steal but do we have to cover the world with plastic?

Friday, August 20, 2010

We are responsible for our actions

Ocean Garbage Patch Still a Mystery...The sheer scale of the affected area could rival that of the "Great Pacific Garbage Patch," although Lavender Law cautioned that both regions remain poorly defined, quoting an article on the internet, August 20, 2010 by Lawrence Hsu. As good stewards we are to protect and value the gifts God gave us when he made the earth.

These internet headlines made me sad today. Why do we humans abuse the earth so badly?

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

CEO Speaks and more

CEO Speaks, Sage Advice During Turbulent Times authored by Ina Stone was a year long project beginning in May of 2009, with release in June 2010. Knowing the lack of trust throughout many organizations and understanding the need to bring hope to others, Ina’s goal was to give people a glimpse at ethical CEO’s. The CEO’s in the book range geographically but primarily they are east of the Mississippi River with the exception of CEO’s from St. Louis, Dallas and Australia.

Ina is a consultant solving telecommunication problems which basically boil down to communication problems within the ranks of corporations. Ina has 27 years experience helping end user’s with issues for telecom service. While working in wholesale with a national carrier her job was to resolve electronic order differences so the installation could move forward. Many times those orders were for mission critical applications including ones for government agencies or large corporations. The process was frequently impeded within engineering groups. Ina’s urgent problem solving skills were required to expedite the process and put the project back on track.

Ina’s career began in sales and traversed into sales support and technical consulting. While with BellSouth she became a certified network engineer working with fiber based services between 1997 - 2007. In 2007 Ina became an independent telecom consultant.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Wow, time flies when the computer and router go down


Both are new and getting ready to adjust to a new computer with new Windows, how fun is that...some kid today pulled into a parking space beside me and was in my blind spot while I was pulling out. I left when he was getting out the car and rolled down the window to say "I did not see you". As a reply he yelled back, "look out your mirrors". Well, hot shot, mirrors are for the back and back side, not a direct side view! Ever heard of something referred to as a blind spot?

Driving can have it's moments for sure. The proof is in the pudding...road rage is alive and well...must have seen nine or ten cars pulled over in Nashville last Wednesday on the drive back and the police were in full swing. Speeding is not new but I65 is like the Indy 500 most days.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Summer Road Trips

Finally home from a 10 day trip traversing seven states with duplications for sure and oh how great to be home...while driving back today I noticed yet again how rich our country. Long stretches of highway are lush with green plants and miles and miles of heartland still are not inhibited. We have land, water, infrastructure, including utilities of all kinds, for the citizens of this country. We have internet via the library and yes even in more remote sites are states adding bandwidth for assisting those without the ability to pay. Education is available to most and so much more.

Feeling the twinges of patriotism is not new to me...I just so appreciate this land I love. Hope there are others reading this blog that feel the same way.