Tuesday, June 29, 2010

CEO Reaction are all positive

So far everyone reading the book are sending positive comments. Another CEO ordered five books today. What a great gift to friends and family especially for business friends. This would also be a great guide for business students, MBA students and it may be hitting some campus book stores soon too.

Bulk orders receive a discount if over five copies are requested.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

CEO Speaks, Sage Advice During Turbulent Times

The comments coming in are humbling to the core. Everyone is raving about the book, the book format, the content, the cover, the pictures, everything is positive.

I feel so overwhelmed with humility and can not thank everyone enough for allowing this to happen. Without the CEO's it would not have gone anywhere and their assistants were wonderful, kind and responsive. This was a year long prayer God answered every step of the way.

Getting this out to those needing to know there is hope, most CEO's are ethical and they care about the employees.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

CEO Speaks, Sage Advice During Turbulent Times

The days do not have enough hours for the appointments, speaking engagements, and internet time to blog, sell books, visit friends and contacts, see family and maintain sanity. But it is so much fun!

Helping people understand that there are CEO's with integrity, strong values, community interest and ethics is so important.

The book covers best practices and what gives them angst too. The responses are interesting as well as insightful in the way people respond and where their thinking is going in today's world.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Calling all Universities with Ethics Courses

CEO Speaks, Sage Advice During Turbulent Times is now released and on my website. E-book and hardcopy available with CD coming soon. Also for a snapshot of content I will be adding a tidbit of contents for sampling. This book is about ethics, work, best business practices, what gives CEO's angst for a text sample.

40 CEO's share their insights into the world as they know it to be. Topics ranged from taxation of small businesses to work values to hiring practices plus.

This book is awesome in the best of the best ways.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

CEO Speaks, Sage Advice During Turbulent Times

A book of hope and the CEO's in the book are so happy to be in a book. Having breakfast with one, lunch with another and stopping by to give another a copy this morning and all are so pleased. They like the cover and enjoy reading their own interviews as well as all the others. I'll have copies on my website soon and will continue with hardcopies too. The weekend I am hoping for enough time to do a voice over for a CD for those busy travelers needing to hear versus read.

Everyone that has read the book are loving it. The format is awesome. This is God's work. He put this book in my head, made all those road trips, flights, hotels, lugguage issues just be non existent. So many blessings are in my life this is a way to give back, help others grow and celebrate the book and the process.

One year and the road has been bumpy at times but over all it has been beautiful.
Thanks be to God.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Gulf of Mexico, BP, Wildlife in the marshes, the ocean

As a telecommunication consultant I am saddened daily by the national news. Anyone seeing 60 minutes the night the oil rig worker was on the air was even sadder.

To know the real story and human power overriding a good decision is deplorable. When the need to getting it done fast because of budget over powers common sense is a shameful part of reality in corporate America and I guess in all companies.

The life in the ocean is one of the last remaining areas where at least some sea life can avoid the gulf and the destruction assaulting nature for weeks to come. Humans have been failing since the beginning of time and it seems as though some are hell bent on making it worse for all of us.

Going back to my analogy: When I sold telecom equipment and access I told clients the truth, if you want to mess it up, hurry it up. Same goes for oil drilling obviously.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

CEO Speaks, Sage Advice During Turbulent Times i

Boy what a wonderfull year it has been...I love this book. I love the people in the book and what a relief and success it is to celebrate a completed project!

The book is beautiful to me as are all the CEO's in the book. Each "chapter" ends wiht Sage Advice which are tidbits of knowledge from the years of experience.

The other factor I so enjoy is the pics, the bio's, the quotes from famous people peppered through the interviews.

God Bless all the CEO's who generously gave me an hour of their precious time.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

CEO Speaks, Sage Advice During Turbulent Times

Today I picked up a final proof with the real book being delivered in the morning.

This book is all class so Saturday we are having a few friends in to celebrate. Good food, good friends and who could ask for anything more. A year in the making and it is time to celebrate indeed.

I am so happy with the publisher, the photographer, the entire project has been beautiful including all the CEO's I interviewed.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

More GREEN thoughts for today

Living in the Southeast US I began a few years back to notice the amount of cars at the neighborhood lake where owners that will lock their keys inside the car. Leave the car running while with AC on while they go about their activities. Including sitting in the car. Yesterday one was outside the theater where we attended a movie.

Why do Americans from any where they they are above the rest of the world by being totally spoiled. Our troops are sweating like pigs in the middle east fighting for our freedom in full dress uniforms. We state side can not be responsible citizens and sweat two minutes? Something is very wrong with that mentality. We can not be uncomfortable for such a brief period of time? We are spoiled to the point of disgust in this country. With corporate crime of power in the Gulf by a BP manager or director destroying our coastline every day and yet we love burning that oil.

For every bird and coast mile destoryed our Congressional body should be fining BP for every animal, every beach, every wetland, every bird egg. American's stop your selfishness and be grateful you live in the USA. Please turn off the car!