Tuesday, March 30, 2010

More on the national debt

Mounting concerns for our country and the numbers are below: 5.7 Trillion 2010
11.7 Trillion 2011
17 Trillion 2019
19 Trillion 2022

How can an aging workforce contend with this? Our children will have no retirement and probably no social security so now our answers are lay offs without income. How are people supposed to live? The health debate is only one of the problems. How can a country built of such strong values lapse into negligence on all sides? When will the American people stand up and say enough, no more taxation, no more approving all the debt. We can't even take care of our soldiers in foreign countries. How are we suppose to fund, fund, fund? I do not have the answers but this is absurd what is going on in Washington.

Monday, March 29, 2010

CEO Speaks, Sage Advice During Turbulent Times

Ethics was the topic today at a local university...three professors asked questions as well as some questions from the student body. Fielding the questions was a republican Senator...Ethics is the subject of the book above as well as other questions. Wanted the book to be released early 2010 and it looks like May will be the release date but wanted to do it right and hire a professional editor.

This man offered issues on the national debt which is a huge public issue...Obama is trying but Congress is not doing their jobs. Enough pork you are there to serve the country not just a small portion of it, please move onto the real issues and stop taxing the little guy and small businesses. Incentives to grow? Not if what I read is an indication.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Life, living and dying

Last week a young friend shared a year of journals she did eight years prior when her 19 year old brother was killed in a traffic accident. As one could imagine at the tender age of 21 she struggled with God, faith, anger, deep pain, torment over her family's pain as well as friendship, romance, during this trial in her life. With her sharing comes insight into the mind of this intelligent and accomplished young person. The overwhelming grief a family goes through during this type of loss.

Today she is fine and I am so grateful for the deep trust to share such private and riveting thoughts. The take away for me is observing young men go speeding through our neighborhood without a thought about the danger they could bring on themselves, let alone the grief of a family.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Wholesale Clubs for food, sheets, appliances, etc

Not sure these are such a hot idea or not...we use one for gasoline, frozen fruit for smoothies, fresh fruit and vegetables, butter, milk, eggs, etc...the problem is the salt in all the frozen prepared foods. The chicken pie is big enough for two or three meals at our house and some of the other is simply ladden with sodium. At every aisle someone is tempting you to eat something. It is no wonder America has an obseity problem the way we market everything...and there are people to seemingly go in these stores to eat lunch and I'm not talking about the lunch counter...the aisle sample. I may taste something particularly enticing if I'm hungry but some people are literally grazing their way through the store while shopping or their spouse shops.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

This may not have anything to do with environment

Regarding the area I live in it is well, beautiful to say the least, spring is absolutely gorgeous; dogwoods, azaleas, tulip trees and to mention pansies of every colors. There is a hitch: restrictive thinking, cultural biases, limited thinking and I am talking about some of the educated ones! Sharing with a young friend and she was born here in this state but a different town to the north. Get to know me and my heart before you judge me, my upbringing, my parents wealth or lack of...please we are all children of God. He did not say if you weren't born in Israel and no I am not talking against Jewish people or their faith. They too have a right to believe in God, their way. The same is with the states...let's pull together in this country instead of point out the differences. We will be much better off in all arenas in social environment, political environment, educational environment, all environments especially our own!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Serious environmental impacts

Thinking today about recent articles I've read and I realized greed is one of the absolute failures of mankind. Greed for money, power, sex, whatever is one of the most horrible of human faults. I am so disappointed in Washington and the nonsense of people we call leaders...leaders of what their own selfish motives and taking care of their districts, their states, their pork...it is time to clean house big time. The American people need to stand up and be heard. No more big business paying lobbyist for campaign contributions so they win and to heck with the little guy, little business...it is still the 80/20 rule. The Little people are contributing 80% to the economy.

Are the people of Vermont less important then the ones from N. Carolina or Iowa, I don't think so. We need to be heard, our voices can reach by voting out the incumbents until there is a fresh start for protecting people, protecting the earth, protecting the water, the air, the ground. God gave us the earth to live on not to use up

Monday, March 22, 2010

This should be a StoneRings blogspot

Today an environmentalist writer says the use of the internet for coral and exotic animals are devastating wild life and the ocean's rare breeds. The criminal mind and human greed are serious to all of us "normal people"...whatever normal is? I recall Freud's quoted statement, "when we describe normal we may be describing ourselves"...or so I've been told.

I have one thought. If there were no demands on exotic animals and rare breeds the world would be a better place. Plus someone I know that specializes in exotic animal care has a friend that works on documentaries with rare animals and has come down with some strange health issues...no thanks I'll take health of myself, my spouse, my family over anything money can buy because it can not buy health.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Parade Magazine

Cellphones, technology, upgrades in technology are under fire. Cancer radiation from cellphones, technology questions for health causes and how long will it be before we know for sure? Ten years, fifty years? I remember when asbestos was in schools, ships, hospitals, and last year a brother-in-law who lied to serve was treated for cancer caused by asbestos. Yet at 17 years of age going into the navy, serving his country during WWII and now at approximately 50 years later and almost 50 years of smoking he had cancer caused by asbestos. So the scare of brain tumors may not be known for a long time. Certainly with all the research and ideas around technology of any type including knowing re-cycling indicates 7 deadly toxins in computers...Americans have been inventing things for years...let's come out of this recession and prove ourselves again...we can do this together...I truly believe in America and our country. I also think we need to start fresh with Congress, all of the seats R's & D's and allow Obama to make some mistakes, yes, but allow the man to be President without parasitic wrangling.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Use not abuse

Air is a precious commodity until it becomes so conaminated we can't breath. Walking each morning in the neighborbood I frequently see car's with their motors running. In the winter it is for the heater to warm, summer, just the reverse. Why bother going to the lake if all you want is to sit in the car? Not only is the process a huge waste of gas but those drivers are also polluting the air all around where people are walking, running, children playing...need I say more? Being in the south it amazes me I live in a state with so little care about our environment...this is a beautiful area of trees, plants, flowers, etc...yes and critters too. The wealth is mind boggling and the chemicals on the yawns are just as mind boggling. Southerner's must have pretty lawns. I wonder how pretty it will all be when we see the last of the honey bees due to wireless and pesticides.

Technology of all sorts just may be our greatest enemy after all.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Green tennis shoes of any kind

Because my husband is a personal trainer we spend time shopping and usually in store I would not frequent...because I do use athletic wear but the demand is not to replace items all that often. January the need for new work shoes came up so off we go...shopping for athletic footwear. In a local store while talking with the salesperson I discovered there are Green athletic Shoes and they disintegrate within ten years, Yeah!! Because I do not mention company names (never know who may pick you for sponsorship) the brand I can not mention however I am sure your local athletic shoe stores are aware.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Entertaining with everyone contributing

Entertaining three couples last night and what a wonderful wholesome evening...one brought appetitizer, one brought wine and bread, one brought a fantastic chocolate cake and I made lasagna and salad...yummy stuff. The men talked, the women talked in separate rooms and we all laughed, shared, and genuinely enjoyed one another and getting to know one another...we as females are soulmates in values and the men enjoyed one another for the first time together. Fun, beautiful people it's as simple as that and life does not get any better then people, food and laughter as well as sharing especially when everything was perfect...I did splash a little salad dressing on my top but what's a fun evening without a spill or two?

Honey bee solutions

Simple solutions to help to reduce damaging the bee population will help some:

Stop with the pesticides,on lawns and crops or we will not have any to eat!
Buy organic
Buy yellow and blue flowers
Buy cotton fabrics
Support local farmers
Support local bee hives
Support science for reduction and elimination of chemical harmful to environment
Stop supporting organizations that make harmful chemicals
Stop supporting companies by buying harmful chemicals
Do the research

Sterile pollen will not help anyone or anything grow...we must turn this disaster around now...

Saturday, March 6, 2010

More bee information

My son is a physical therapist and frequently has older clients that go into hospice care...they are literally at the end of their days. One elderly woman had been a chemical engineer. My son asked if she had any regrets...her response was "the bees".

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Almost ready to publish

Wow, the past eight months have been busy! CEO Speaks will soon be in the final editing phase and I can get busy with other projects. What a trip this has been, 12 cities in 6 weeks, 44 CEO's later, 2 or 3 will be omitted...didn't have the pictures or bio's to me and I can not change the format, not at this state, the eastern half of the country covered with one CEO from Australia. Other cities were Miami (2), Jacksonville, Sarasota, St. Pete, Atlanta, Nashville, Dallas (2), St. Louis, Ft. Wayne, Ft. Lauderdale, Dayton (4), Birmingham (18), New York, Boston, Baltimore...I think that's it. The art work is done, format done, publisher selected, the interviews were completed the first week of December...took one week off for holidays and visit family another week for family in Florida, but the remaining June 2009 to March 2010 worked sixty or seventy hours a week on one project, I am tired! The CEO's were awesome, trips without a hitch, transcription is NOT my gift, but we are almost complete. All for the grace God. This book will be on the website within the next 30 days! Then the CD not long after. What a project! CEO Speaks will be a book to lend credence to the American public and hope to those that fail to see business ethics in the best light...