Sunday, August 30, 2009

Busy with book and little time for any other writing

It has been an awesome project with only a third done. About 23 interviews on the calendar so far and the goal is 40 give or take a few. Anyway I need to get this one down for sure. I was not aware of the term wrap rage until today although I have blogged about packaging engineers and PVC. I was reading something on the home page where responsible manufactures are attempting to lessen the use of hard plastics and wrap rage. I understand the need to package for visual effects, for reduced stealing/shop lifting but not at the expense of the environment. If PVC is in the landfills it will take 100 if not 1000's of years to eliminate the plastic.
Social responsibility is to start now. The old saying "pretty is as pretty does" starts with the responsibility to reduce and eliminate PVC NOW.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Media and Nonsense

Interviewing a CEO from Australia today he shared a story about "the lady of the house was going to the hair saloon for her hair appointment. There was a headline on the paper in the saloon that said "Financial Crisis" so she said to herself if we're in a financial crisis maybe I should cancel my appointment, so she cancelled her appointment. She called her husband and said if we're in a financial crisis maybe we should cancel the home we were going to build. So her husband cancelled the home contract, and the home developer cancelled the home builder, and the developer called the architect, the architect called in another architect and said, we can not continue to employ you. The architect went home and said, I'm sorry but I've lost my job". The architect building the home was the person fired from the get the's all about the media. Maybe it's just a cycle of garbage.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Garbage on the streets

Changing the daily walk I detoured this morning. Walking in the immediate neighborhood I am amazed at the garbage on the street. The list includes, no I am not joking...the usual bottles, cans including coke, sprite, rootbeer, beer, vita water, juice and various sport drink containers. Cigeratte butts, discarded cigeratte packages, pens, paper of every kind including entire fast food containers, bag, styrofoam, paper cups, etc. One will also see money, bottle caps, prophlatics, used of course, hair accessories of many kinds, hats, jackets, industrial cloths, medical shoe covers and the list goes on and on. Sounds like we live in a dump or at best a slum. Far from it, the houses range from low 200's to 550's and that's a guess. I'm not a real estate appraiser.

Picking up every piece of discarded nonsense would be a full days activities. Of course we could just teach children the value to not littering which is a novel idea I'm sure.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Packaging Products

It seems to keep the stealing reduced, companies have packaging engineers design huge plastics for encasing the product. Nothing is more encased then technology products. We can't even open most of the boxes, encasement's, shrink wrap, bottled water, no there is none in this house, but you get the picture. Someone needs to develop, someone much smarter then I, a way to eliminate thief while eliminating the plastic and ridiculous boxes, adult proof plastic encasement's and make it easier to break through the packaging to use whatever we purchase. I don't agree with stealing but this is out of proportion for honest people!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Fast Fixes and Simple Solutions

This small paperback has been referred to in our home dozens of times since buying a copy. My husband was harassing me tonight for throwing moth balls into the attic in the middle of summer because I killed a silver fish on a chair after dinner. The mothballs work in the attic. I haven't seen a silver fish for months. I recall Mother saying they eat everything of nature fabric. Not all the suggestions from the book work as reported but the odds are good when they do...anyone with suggestions on fire ant stopper? We have an abundance not to mention snakes, raccoons, coyotes, foxes, which are not a problem, in this beautiful city. Oh, criteria for fire ants there is a stipulation...gotta be GREEN! Not sure how GREEN mothballs are either!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Green, Ethics and Materialism

While reading today I came across a quote "In this world it is not what we take up, but what we give up, that makes us rich" - Henry Ward Beecher. Instead when we think of materialism the way people spend money, horde stuff, more materialism in paratheses, eat out constantly, which is far from green I wonder where our values and ethics take us in life. The more we take up, use up is less for others, except of course corporate profit. I'm always assumed when someone tells me about how great a restaurant is and I would try it out and end up thinking "what does that person usually eat" because it would be a disappointment versus a joy to consume the meal ordered. Granted I have a long life of cooking and cooking from scratch 99.9% of the time. Anyway I'm digressing, just think about the fundamentals of life and what is really important when you're tempted to spend, spend, spend.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Ethics and August 5th Blog

The problem with my blog yesterday was that we all impact one another. It is not about the individual or the individual family. I was on a call recently and the speaker said "a child born today, by 17 years of age, will see serious shortages of water and food in this country. We still, with all the corporate debacle in a lack of ethical behavior, intentional or circumstantial, are responsible to all of us for their lack of accountability and responsible behavior. When individuals or corporations or institutions are responsible for 6 million American workers being laid off somethings amiss in the value arena. Maybe these people were raised under rocks or maybe their examples were parental greed, abuse, selfish behavior and just should not have had children at all, I'm not sure. We are accountable to one another and for this earth. It is not a closed system. When we begin to believe we do not have to be accountable or responsible, we're in serious trouble.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Ethics and The Environment

We are getting smarter and people are paying attention to sustainable measures. The few who choose to ignore will only hurt themselves, their children, as well as their health. Taking care of nature in all forms improves the being, as evidenced in diet, exercise, less stress, discipline, etc. What we breath in the air, what we apply to the skin and what we drink and eat helps our health. The skin is the largest organ of the human body. Applying toxics is damaging to us. Manufacturers of cosmetics, lotions, makeup, soap, sun screen, insect repellant do not always make safe products. That's where the rub, not to use a pun, comes in with ethics. Marketing campaigns are not about anything but making people want the product or belief they need the product. Know what you are applying to your skin and your childrens skin.
These products will be absorbed by the skin.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

For the birds

Thinking about the birds and what they are currently confuse, plastic and food. As birds consumer more plastic they start dying. Yep, we've killing widelife and eventually we will kill ourselves if we continue this user mentality, buy, buy, buy, plastic, plastic, plastic and no smart recycling. Responsible action is needed in shopping, consumption, disposal, recycling, of all products and items in homes, office, social environments including coffee shops.

Electronics can be poison to the environment, please recycle, please understand the seven toxic chemicals in the electronic boards and the relationship of improper disposal and ground water.

This matters today and tomorrow.