Wednesday, July 29, 2009

More Annie Litter and Green Information

In the city I live inthe mayor has started a program for making fuel out of wood chips. We are blessed to have an abundance of wood from trees when storms roll in and they do roll in fequently. Four hours from the coast and even the hurricanes wreak havic with the trees, tree branches and pine debris this far up the state. The south has many large pines of several species populating our forests Due to the relative shadow root system, pines come down as well as many disciduous trees.

During a key note today Ed Bagley spoke of cleaner air then in the mid seventies, less smog in LA, CA where he lives. He spoke of wood chips making fuel, the plastic wash in the oceans, overfishing, species being overfished to extinction, basic cleaning with water, vinegar and soda, the danger of ground water being poluted with toxins/chemical, the honeybee demise and so much more. Together we can make a difference. Start now, start with your fight to save our children, our babies.

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