Sunday, April 19, 2009

Media Scores

A word of caution with some Green information. If it sounds too good to be true it may be not 100% accurate. Someone claiming their product is Green, if it falls into the category of stuff, it may be Green but do you need it. Recently during a seminar put on by the regional Chamber in our area, Mike Anderson with CSS out of Tampa, used the word Stuffication. Can I relate to that word. During those years in corporate Amercia I was caught up in the buy, buy, buy. When I started consulting and speaking I looked in my closets, yes, plural, and asking myself What Were You Thinking. Amercian love their stuff. Count me out. Think about buying and whether the money is worth more in your savings/checking account versus the product. Simple rule: Do I need it? How will I use it? What impact does it have on quality of life? If the product is not Green you have been scammed. If your need is not strong and you buy, you've scammed yourself.

Thwarted by Media

While looking at the Sunday paper today I was applauded to read a reference to Google Earth making

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Garbage on the Road

Leaving for the daily stroll this Easter Sunday afternoon I was distracted leaving the driveway, a beer can discarded in the yard. Coming down the hill upon returning found a soda can on the opposite side of the street. One aluminum can recycled creates enough energy to light a lightbulb 4 hours. Teaching children at a young age the value
of not littering, taking care of animals & people at the same time, includes caring for the environment. God created a perfect earth. Why do we think our impact is not impacting nature negatively?

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Designing New Buildings

Seeking strategic planners in all phases of construction is crucial. What one industry profession can know it all? When construction is planned all players need to be given consideration during the planning sessions. This type of decision will assist in good use of space, saving add ons and move budget ($$). So often cable trays conflict with AC & heat ducts. Electrical outlets are not adequate to power PC's and other equipment needing power. Floor plans do not leave space of telecom distribution frames and the list goes on and on.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Real Green vs. Green Washing

There is a time to draw the line in the sand. Companies, organizations, associations want the image that goes with the environmental push to GREEN right? So unless someone in the organization is willing to put the money (budgeting) and actions (research, planning, drawing up a plan, departmental implementation, moving forward with corporate dollars invested) the bandaide approach is simply that, a bandaide.
Every little bit helps whether recycling, building/refurbishing to greener products, etc. but just changing out the carpet is not a green effort. This takes time,effort, manpower and money for proper execution. Then flaunt the GREEN for the image. In the meantime; encourage employees to think GREEN with their actions.

Sunday, April 5, 2009


Frequently during GREEN talks to companies, organizations or civic groups I mention the Golden Toad is now extinct. Not sure what toads play in our environment, I am not a scientist, just care about all those creatures that no longer exist. Wondering how many more are going to be extinct in not my lifetime so much as my childrens and grandchildrens life time. Stopping pollutions is everyones responsibility. Caring about future generations is critical and we all need to make the effort, now.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Flurry Creatures

Animal lover? So am I but I prefer the natural settings plus if humans are going to have animals there is a ton of time to devote to these little (or big) pets. I do not have that kind of time. Pets are like little children, they want and need love, but don't we all. Well, it's time to realize our impact on the animals that are not in our homes or yards. So many are in danger now like the polar bears and pengins. We need to be aware of something besides ourselves. God created the perfect world, we're messing it up too. Everytime I see someone sitting in their car with the engine running I want to scream. If you have that much money to waste while polluting our environment why don't you go feed a homeless person.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Blogs and a Little Green

This has nothing to do with Green but a lot to do with blogs or for that matter publishing anything from an email, books, blog, text, letter (via snail mail) whatever, it is in print. Online, offline, it truly matters to spell check, edit, review the words. Walk away for awhile, come back and re-read what was written, it's your good name. After writing two books, ok one was co-authored, I would think about learning theory, oh no, I still mess up so forgive me if you see a typo, grammatical error, misspelling, I'm human. I've read some blogs that are not even readable. No, forgiving myself here though I know better then to write poorly. As frustrating as it is this is fun stuff, blogging.

And about the Green Chatter, replacing something in your office or home? Buy Green by researching the manufacturer, material, etc. Fabric? Buy Hemp. Pillows, check it out for comfort and material, both are important. Office furniture? Who makes it and what is it composed of in material? This matter; it's your health in many cases. Think about that one!!
When discarding any electronic equipment keep it earth friendly. Knowing there are 7 toxic chemicals in chips, plastic, LCD screens, etc., please do not trash these devices. Finding a recycle source may be easier then you think. Ask retailers if they take products for recycling. Finding responsible community resources for answers on recycling information is growing rapidly. Be aware of "earth friendly" product too. Many are hopping on this band wagon with "Green Products" that are about as Green as plastic ingredient bisphenol.

It's your money, ask questions, learn to protect yourself and your family!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Every day something else jumps out at me about these environmental issues and I'm talking about the ones in our homes and offices. The newest concern is something called Bromine orBrominated Flame Retardants (BFR) which are in polymers added to computers, TV's, cable, form furniture, etc. According to PC World BFR can impact immune & hormone systems in humans.

If we are becoming addicited to electronics, how is BFR impacting our daily exposure and ulimately our life, the chance to re-produce, disease or general health problems. If something as simple and complex as stress can impact health, what do toxins do?