Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Awareness helps recycling

Today in a hurry to make dinner with little time I purchased two deep dish pie crust for quiche. Yes, real men do eat quiche...my hubby's a personal trainer and loves quiche especially the black olive one I make. Anyway I made a cheese and ham quiche tonight with raw veggies and dip on the side. Quick and nutritious and yummy. The GREEN factor comes when I realized I could recycle the paper put between the two crusts to keep the crust from sticking. This may be extreme but tea bags are recycled as well as gum wrappers. Any non dirty paper can be recycled. Water is as precious as trees if not more so do not waste water to clean foil or any object unless you weight the benefit of recycling more important than the water.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

This is for Green and Telecommunication

I finished late this year in the tax arena...but more and more I read if giving talks about GREEN then I need to let my contract wireless/blackberry run out in about a year and five months and give up the wireless phone. If cellular is killing honey bees then I can live without. Being an example has always been tough, it was in the corporate world and will be in the real world but honey bees are too important to me. They pollinate our vegetables and fruit. I want this world to be here for the babies, yours and mine. Get serious about writing letters again instead of running our mouths 24/7...we need to care about Mother Earth and God's instructions. If people want to call me they can do so on the land line. Transition is better anyway than cell phones. Big boys we need to support the infrastructure and stop with the wireless nonsense.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

An IT professional agreed with me today

During two conversations two people in the technology field agreed that technology just may be our demise...one was in telecommunication within the Big company and the other in IT at a university...engineering department with it's own IT department...interesting conversations indeed...the IT guy does believe in wireless hoop-la. No one can push data, big loads over wireless and the Big company says they are laying off people in the wireline tech side.

OK great right? Wrong again...honey bees can not be replaced and not the gizmos are going to take away the human race...maybe God decided we would take ourselves out and that was the plan? Don't know, but my opinion, wireless is NOT what it is cracked up to be. Of course I do not need to be running my mouth 7x24 either. We do LOVE to hear our own voice!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

wireless, wireless, wireless

Commuters are now shopping, running errands, standing in gas station pumping and talking, grocery stores, wholesale clubs, restaurants, driving (not wise) cell usage is on the increase. One article recently mentioned the unsureness of children using cell phones. We do not know the health implications yet and the article's writer was quoting medical research regarding children may be absorbing unhealth rays from cell phones. The honey bees are in agreement on this one. Are we forgetting how to write? How to meet face to face? How to build a relationship and have a sharing firm handshake. Wireless is killing the bees, end of story. Technology is a blessing and a curse. Bees are needed for foods like vegetables and fruit. No veggies and fruit, more cancer.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Watching the news tonight made me sad

I am not against Apple or their revenue source but selling thousands or 100's of thousands of the latest gadget makes me wonder...how many honey bees will be left in another 10 or 20 years...dear God, why are humans not paying attention to environmental issues? Such as cell towers, pesticides, herbicides, etc as death to our existence...when American children are starving & food is in short supply maybe someone will get the idea! Why can such a great nation turn to crap? i.e.wireless? A known source for destroying bees, our pollination supplier?

Could Steve & Bill spend a little on H E L P! on the American home front, be an example in right causes...instead of the other? Remember the song, "This is the World"?

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Back to Environmental Issues

OK, I am extreme but tonight I put the bandaid individual package and tea bags from the daily cup in the recycling container. It works!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

March 30th blog

Guess I was in a hurry because I failed to make the figures indicate the national debt. This Easter Sunday we all need to pray for our country and a way to find employment for those without jobs.