Sunday, November 15, 2009

Have we gone too far?

I work in the technology field but I am beginning to wonder if we have gone too far.
Not only do computers have all kinds of poison materials inside them so does many electrical objects. God gave me a brain and yes, we all do stupid things but my brain works very well. I use it daily during work, during prayer, during relationship making and maintaining, during worship, during hygiene, during cooking. My brain works.

Now the way this all relates to technology and electronics is this; I want to use my brain, I do NOT need for a piece of electronics to do my thinking. First of all I respect geeks, we need them, but I do need them assuming I do not want to use my own brain whether running a computer or the washing machine.

Again the correlation is this; my machine will not allow me to adjust the cycle once the cycle is started. This happens to be a GE appliance. Now that is nothing against GE. It is against the way we are wasting natural resources because someone somewhere decided everything needs a brain (electronic brain). Electronic brains are not as smart as someone who has been doing laundry a very long time. Well I have news here. Just as I do not need a robot to cook for me I do not need a dumb appliance to make my decisions. American companies have gone too far over my boundaries. I love this country and feel blessed to have been borne here but this is ridiculous. I had to waste a entire tub of water this morning to get one load of laundry clean because my washer was thinking for me. That does not make me a happy camper on the washing machine side of life. Fewer computers in fewer consumer goods please!

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