Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Is a life Green? Probably not when we hear statistics.

Today on the internet an article about 6000 people losing their life because of bad or careless driving. I see it in our neighborhood all the time. Neighborhood, mind you, no lines on the road! Yet I know to stay close to the right curb on my side of the street. Twice in the past few days I hit the (paved gutter) to avoid being taken out or sideswiped, left side careened into, etc. What are they thinking? Obviously nothing. Well head's up idiot, I do not want to lose my life, damage my car, destroy property belonging to someone else while trying to avoid you hitting me while you use three fourth of the road.

Who is giving the driving test these days and who is on the road driving without a brain? Cell phones should be outlawed when driving. State responsibility. States want control of everything else, make your opinion known to the law enforcement, legislative branch, whatever it takes. No lobbyist allowed!

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