Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Book, CEO Speaks, Sage Advice During Turbulent Times

This book has been a blessing, indeed. Over 40 CEO's, one refusal, no cancelations and only a few rescheduled appointments needed. By November I'll be done with the book then November and December will work like crazy to compile, edit, re-edit, record for e-book and make it all happen.

Covering 1/3 of the states, wish time afforded more however 40 was the goal originally. These CEO's are what America is built on, people, inventive, entrepreneurial spirit, individualizm, fresh ideas, making life and passions florish as always. Thanks to those who care about people. It is growth, it will survive, we will survive, we are America.

Is a life Green? Probably not when we hear statistics.

Today on the internet an article about 6000 people losing their life because of bad or careless driving. I see it in our neighborhood all the time. Neighborhood, mind you, no lines on the road! Yet I know to stay close to the right curb on my side of the street. Twice in the past few days I hit the (paved gutter) to avoid being taken out or sideswiped, left side careened into, etc. What are they thinking? Obviously nothing. Well head's up idiot, I do not want to lose my life, damage my car, destroy property belonging to someone else while trying to avoid you hitting me while you use three fourth of the road.

Who is giving the driving test these days and who is on the road driving without a brain? Cell phones should be outlawed when driving. State responsibility. States want control of everything else, make your opinion known to the law enforcement, legislative branch, whatever it takes. No lobbyist allowed!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

This is GREEN thoughts

Earlier today I blogged about people ignoring all others around them while shopping and's synonmus the laws of the road, stay in your lane, stay right of the real or imaginary line, pay attention, don't talk on the cell, and you are still human. Now the GREEN thought and yes, it is the same...Sunday afternoon may be relaxing you for but not for me...and driving 10 miles under the speed limit takes less gas, given. But if you make me stop at the light because of your reduced speed, how many fumes are being added to the air we all breath?

Not sure how GREEN this is today, just a thought

OK, I admit it, I'm a type A, a mover, an action person, a jerk or rude by some but grocery carts were not made to lean on. The bar is to push with your hands and not the thrust of a body moving forward. And yes there are tons of bad drivers out there but the rules of the road are applicable to shopping too. Right lane not the center of the aisle and not letting you in line when you have two items and I have fifty. I may be rude but I do have manners. Please move over. Just because you want to go slow and meander about does not mean I have the same time to waste. I'm on a mission so get out of my way, please. Whether on the road or in the aisle, move it. Yes, I could have been military because moving it is what life is all about. No I'm not critequing you or your needs, just move to the side of the road. Looking a packages of food is not nearly as important as eating...but that's another subject.

I can be patient with elderly and babies. If you are full grown and nonchalantly strolling please be considerate of those of us that run through life like a speed boat. We can't help ourselves either because there too many things we need to accomplish in a day's time. If you don't have the basics, buy a book on manners, yes, they are published.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Oh those skies and flu too!

After a default tire change on an airplane Friday morning Sept 4th we sat after boarding another hour and well almost 2 hours passed take off time. Our seat companion a college student was tired and talking about the flu on campus. Well, Saturday night hubby starts coughing, so three days later, with two days appointments canceled, he has the flu.

The Green Idea is common sense is not Green to have to buy OTC's or over the counter medications to combat illness. Traveling is a bitter sweet pill to swallow during this time of year. My hope is we didn't leave our host, hostess and grandson with a virus!