Monday, August 29, 2011

Back to the food issue

According to one source there are health benefits to eating vegetables and fruit and reducing red meat...cancer, obesity, reduce heart disease, fight diabetes, reduce carbon footprint, minimize water usage, reduce fossil fuel dependence to name a few.

Eating right is a GREEN choice. By reducing the amount of meat we consume will help fight a lot of negative issues: During WWI 10 million families, 7000 hotels and 425,000 food dealers observed meatless Monday for more information go to

The Applied Research Center or has information for assisting those interested in becoming healthier consumers.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Wow, food facts and benefits

Amazing what you find out through research...working on a project for church, well really the minister and researching Biblical foods. It is truly amazing the way God designed foods listed in the Bible that give us the nutrients and disease fighting properties to live by. So much of Biblical foods were for a reason to protect our health. Cinnamon which I love the smell of, the taste of, baking or on toast with a little sugar and one teaspoon with a tablespoon of honey can help arthritis!

Zuchini is low in calories but one cup can supply 10% of our daily fiber...quite a wollop for a little green squash! More on this latter...on to putting together fun facts for Methodist.