Saturday, May 14, 2011


Watching the movie earlier today Water the Elephants I was shaking by the time the end was near. Someone so evil as to hurt an elephant or man is beyond me. The circus master had people thrown off trains, and was mean to the elephant. The elephant was perceived as stupid but it was far from it. The story is beautiful for those that can sit through the brutality. I could not.

Having read several of Jane Goddall's books recently I respect the need so much more to prevent our animal kingdom from extinction. When we kill off the animals, we'll be next in line.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

A country of excess, still

Reading something the other day about one country that makes idling engines against the law. Now that's an idea. Oh no, not in America. We love our freedom to do things that now only hurt the environment but waste money too, like idling engines.
I see people pull into a parking lot and even on a beautiful cool day, sit with the engine running while they're on cell phone. Why?

Americans are hated in so many places and I suspect our excess is one of the reasons why we are hated. If the population is hovering around 330 million and for each person in the country to save just one gallon of gas per year that would be 330 million gallons! Just a thought

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Reason for Hope

Jane Goodall's book is so full of thoughts for saving nature, saving animals and being kind, not just to nature but to man. The spirituality that comes through her words are powerful. If only one woman's views could be instilled in the hearts and minds of the world. When I choose the book the librarian said "she is an example of what one person can do" and truer words were never spoken. Her grit is amazing because like all who live long enough there are the trials and tribulations of life, losing a loved one, or many loved ones, the pain of seeing war, seeing the aftermath of war, seeing a child's life snufted out by war and the list goes on and on. It's is living with purpose that counts. Understanding God's reason we are here and in some large or small way contributing to others. The very reason, I believe, He gives up life.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Really paying attention to the situation

Reading Jane Goodall's book Reason for Hope she points out that at one time there were 2 million chimps in Africa and now (1999 publish date) there are only 150,000. A drastic reduction to say the least. Why does man in the search for truth and knowledge not realize our encroachment on nature will eventually be our own demise. I noticed recently while peeling a potato the skin appeared to be so thin. When we mess with Mother Nature, in this case called genetic engineering, we are messing with God in the wrong way. Another example is a documentary we (hubby & I) were watching on TV about the salmon in Idaho not being able to procreate because of the dams (8) that were built on the Columbia River (through Idaho). The salmon could not get back to their breeding grounds. Artifical hatching did not work...the forces of nature are powerful, witness the devastation in Alabama this past week and yes there are endless examples. Man may be strong but man is NOTHING compared to nature and God's designs.

Killing off natural habitate, buying exotic pets, not taking nature serious, not paying attention to what God intented versus allowing our egos to control our actions against man and beast and earth, not good!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

tornadoes and power

Thank God we were spared the disaster that hurt, killed, and destroyed so many in the state of Alabama. As insignificant compared to others we had no power until Saturday afternoon. It was such a relief when after a day of yard work I came in for a drink of water only to have the lights flicker on. I feel so grateful for having survived and feel so badly for those that lost everything. In 1979 we moved a household full of furniture and all the paraphernalia that goes along with moving a family of four. Robbers stole the moving van and it's contents...not a fun filled happening. There was no loss of life, but the stealing caused me great pain, the emotional type. I lost my babies pictures and everything my grandparents had given me. The tears were in the heart not the eyes. My sons will never forget I'm sure, the loss of everything they knew. Tragedy make us grateful for what we have when we are spared the pain.