Monday, April 25, 2011

Eggs and other Easter delights

Yes, recycling is great but why, why do we need to have plastic eggs. What is wrong with a dozen natural eggs, colored, hidden for the children to find and then make deviled eggs for dinner.

Plastic has taken over our world with electronics packaging, toy packaging, holiday paraphernalia, food packaging, cosmetics, clothing and the list goes on and on. Is nothing sacred from plastic? And that does not include all the bags everything is dispensed into to carry it from the stores where "stuff" is purchased. Even the craft items are going to plastic. If oil is so much in demand to make plastic how much dependency do we need on foreign...what?

Monday, April 18, 2011

Green and hotels

Have you been in a hotel room on business lately? They post signs about the millions of gallons of water wasted on laundrying towels and have been for some time now. Well I respect the message but why not add a recycle bin for paper, plastic, etc. Encourage people to use these bins for water bottles, newspaper, plastic cups, etc. We were recently in a very nice Marriott (Hubby and I) and received a free gift bag upon arrival. Personally I could have recycled glass, paper, plastic had there been bins to use.

Did you know glass can be ground so fine it can be used in making kitchen counters, bathroom counters, plus. Yes, let's save the water but also all the other stuff we throw away too.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Ok I know this is redundant

Yesterday during the daily walk, which was a bit late for me, yet I witnessed yet again a woman sitting in her gray van, talking on the cell phone and running the motor. It was a beautiful day and no air conditioning or heat was necessary it was in the low 70's! Yet while we run our mouths and engines and pollute the air!

Why do Americans think their is no end to the oil/gas/money/air quality is beyond me!

Ask those poor people in Japan about air quality! Americans are fickle and no very nice to the environment. Where will all this technology thing take us...but that's for another blog.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Environmental Issues

Wow, seeing a DVD from a converted handycam tape in the early 90's I realize even back then I had a passion about the environment...recycle those milk jugs, water bottles and yes even the aluminum's the same material a Coke or Pepsi can is made from so recycle as much as possible. Earlier today I had a conversation with a neighbor and yes those long showers feel good but water is limited also. The earth was not meant to be abused and man does every thing possible to abuse the natural resources including oil, gas, water, air, you name it.

I remember my son coming home from Germany after serving in the military and he was indignite that where we lived, at the time, the recycling was limited. Now I can recycle glass along with everything else.