Wednesday, March 30, 2011

People are not paying attention

A quick trip to the grocery and the lady next to me is sitting in her car with the motor's her money at over 3.50 a gallon but it is everyones air quality. This is really poor of me but when I see this I want to ask, seriously, where are you living? Where is your brain? Do you really want to waste gasoline and pollute the air?

Our world has changed and so much of what we do is not considerate of the environment, other people and in the case above her billfold!! With summer on the way and the AC running especially in the southeast and southwest I personally would rather save money now because the power bills will be high enough. Plus caring about the air quality is so important.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Passion and position go hand in hand

Loving what you do is much more important than what you do...Years ago I recall seeing a magazine ad. It was a picture of a man in a boat on a lake with a fishing rod and the caption was finding what you love is success...interesting thought.

Life's little moments and finding success is important. Success is not just financial but also success with relationships in your life. Being able to give back to your community or church is success. Being able to lend a hand to someone in need and there's a whole lot of that out there.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Summer is coming

One of the summer activities I dread is watching people drive to the little lake in the neighborhood, park their car and leave the AC running...I realize it is a free counry but can we please leave the car off and the AC off...why are you at the lake?
It saddens me when I know gasoline prices are up and yet there are people who will run the motor to stay cool...this happens everyday! One couple with their black Mercedezs does this summer and winter. Why don't to go home and use the furnace or air conditioner there in your home?

Just because we have the money can we not protect the environment instead? Leave the place a little cleaner for those exercising all around the lake. Can you see the runners, walkers, babies and all the people that need to breath clean air?

Monday, March 7, 2011

vehicles, exercise and courtesy

What do these three things have in common? Well pulling my car into a parking space at the gym this morning the only one open was between a truck and a SUV. The problem was the SUV was HUGE and the person driving the SUV had not parked straight into the parking slot. This has something to do with courtesy.

Being so close to the other car is not in my comfort zone. Yesterday while returning from the gym a car almost hit us (hubby was driving) because the driver was not within the lines of the lane. The frequency with which these types of incidences occur is scary.

So people are being rude to the point of danger, they drive huge vehicles and and they are not exercising good judgement on the road...this is not a new subject but it just truly is concerning when human life is at stake...

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A few things learned in corporate America

3 things I learned in the 20 plus years of a career in corporate America:

1) People do not communicate well
2) People do not solve their own problems
3) Expectations are high, actions are low

Communication occurs and sounds like one's voice...we all want to be heard but do we really have much to say? No, we don't!
People are rarely objective about problem resolution, we often ignore our own issues, and we all have issues! We're people.
Most want to chat, grumble, compliant, few want to solve and move Richard Clark said in CEO Speaks, Sage Advice During Turbulent Times...people to not have a sense of urgency.