Thursday, July 22, 2010

CEO Speaks, Sage Advice During Turbulent Times

This book is such fun reward...talking with a friend and fellow worker today the feedback is wonderful. When we're given an idea and it comes to fruition and the feedback is so positive we know we're doing what is right. Not just for ourselves but for others involved in the process. I feel so humble to have had the success of the interviews but also all the friends made along the way.

Reaching out to others is one of the most rewarding aspects of life and living the good life. Truly a wonderful and blessed life. As someone said in the book, "learning to love" is something we can not teach except through our own willingness to love others.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Garbage cans and driving

In our neighborhood the garbage men leave the cans in mouth of the driveway and many times in the street...I realize it is a hot and nasty job but the company should train them better. The street is for the cars not the cans. Of course they are not really cans either but big plastic containers.

I recall when Xerox was frequently used as a reference to the copier.

We Americans are a strange bunch when it comes to language. The Brits have always fascinated me too with their combined accents and interesting expressions. Recently had the need to interface with a Brit ordering some cheese for the Atlanta Mart for The Cheese Knife owner, Myra Fairchild and his language was a hoot! He knew his cheese!

The marvels of culture always an interesting twist.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Technology Wizards

Attempting to use my husbands computer this morning (easy access to printer) I could not get onto the site I needed, email thru ATT using Yahoo servers no less...suddenly a voice begins to tell me how to make (my) computer easier to use...I have a suggestion for the world of geeks and PC manufacturers and software writers...and yes, I have blogged about this before...I have a brain and know how to use it so stop trying to make everything so easy. As a young friend said in her journal (yes, she gave it to me to read) we are educated into imbecility.

Not only that if the computer has to capitalize every sentence it is no wonder people can't spell, write, whatever! Going back to the basics is just fine with me and I do not need a geek or a group of geeks to tell me how to do everything.

Monday, July 12, 2010 it a thing of the past?

Visiting with a former colleague today as well as the Mother of two small children, 3 & 5 months, she shared some stories about baby talk...they are so wonderful! Babies are our gifts from God and as my young friend so apply said it "they beyond to God, we are their stewards". Wise beyond her years on this planet and she is a devote Christian as well as a great mother and wife I am sure. Anyway she and her husband are committed to having children with manners! Hurray, someone is willing to hop on the band wagon of parenthood...manners...that's what we used to call it and yes, in some it is alive today...

Friday, July 9, 2010

Driving Miss Daisy and more

For some reason people in this southern city think it is ok to run red lights, turn on yellow and block other from seeing on-coming traffic...all this happened today.

One female driver decided to slowly roll to the red light and was keeping everyone behind in the intersection so no one could turn...does anyone have a clue about how their behavior impacts negatively on others? Are we so inconsiderate we can not realize that consideration...something we used to call manners is still appreciated!

Standing the center of the isle at Costco a father, daughter and daughter's friend decided to play basketball...blocked people with carts. When I go shopping I am not there to play ball! Heads up people what we do impacts others...get a life and use your brain. A little maturity is definitely appreciated, Daddy!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Driving in neighborhood

Why do people drive in the middle of the road? In our neighborhood it is the way drivers are doing this and then if their vehicle is big enough for a family of four to live in they stay in the middle. Excuse me and where did you obtain your license?

The driving test I took stated driving on the right side of the did not mention whether someone else's car was in sight...Hello we have a brain engaged or not?

More driving lessons needed...if you think talking on the cell phone is making the rest of the world wait while you are engaged in conversation. Stay out of my way.
Going slow while talking is just plain rude to other drivers.

Another miracle in our neighborhood is the garbage cans left in the middle of the street. Not smart guys...I know it is hot and you are in a hurry but please move the cans off the street.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Turbulent Times indeed

For those that love to drive and talk this may be news. While you are concentration your conversation others are trying to get around you, pass you and can not figure out why with a 40 mph speed you are going 20 or 25 mph.

If you really must talk, pull over and chat away because no one appreciates you slowing them down when their lives are just as busy as yours. Everyone, well most of us, have families, laundry, cooking, cleaning and job responsibilities too. Add that to errands, shopping for groceries and a dozen other tidbits to do everyday. So when you slow me down I consider you to be rude.

Talk of Turbulent Times, my car is full of them when I'm driving behind inconsiderate people.