Thursday, December 24, 2009

Data Centers and Green Movement

According to APC magazine a Schneider Electric Publication data center professionals will be spending 2010 trying to make the centers more energy efficient and reduce consumption of watts...power and cooling are critical for efficient data centers. The energy consumption is high while cooling is demanded due to heat generated from the electronics. As I type these words I am aware of the heat emitted from my laptop and it is so minuet compared to a corporate data center.

Optimization versus building and expanding is one significant variable to consider. Power companies spend millions building power grids. The demand on existing grids is taking a toll while the demand is growing. Reduction is critical or a minimum of status quo.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Green Christmas

This Christmas brings a special joy to me for many reasons. I know longer desire material things. I give far more than I receive (except in daily love from those around me called husband, children, family, friends) and I so appreciate all those wonderful people and treasures in my life.

This year I pray many people can step back from the world of materialism and enjoy some true meaning of this holiday. Away from the gadgets of electronics, away from the prepared foods with sodium galore, away from the per-packaged nonsenses of nothing to the real things for, friends, people we know, people we love, people we touch in our lives...people next door.

Reach out and touch someone. Share the love, share yourself. God Bless!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Wrting and Compiling Take Time

This book has been the most fun of any project I can recall and the light is shining at the end of the tunnel. The printer has promised a January run including proofs and then I can start to sell books and work on other projects. Six months in the making and I promise I'll be back to giving yummy recipes and information on living green.

I want to make an apple cinnamon bread recipe and will try that later today so if it works I will share. Cinnamon also I found out is good for losing weight...not sure I can muster that with all the butter I eat on toast.

Wishing everyone a blessed Christmas or Happy Hanukkah to all my Jewish friends.