Sunday, July 31, 2011

Hitler & King Corn

Wow, having watched King Corn and the Rape of Europa in the past week I never knew the history of Hitler's artist binge on Europe and stealing art from the Jewish people, the Russians and more. Watching the documentary of King Corn and it is no wonder we have an obesity issue in America. With corn, corn by-products and the way cattle are raised now on corn by-products with no movement on the plains but simply idle cramming in cattle holding pens, corn is creeping into so many food supplies.
If not corn, corn by-products or corn fruitose in drinks, sweetners and more the finger points directly to the problem of obesity in this country. For those on restricted income, the ignorant, the poor, the uneducated choosing fast food is a sure way to increase weight and have less quality in the diet.

Scary new information and about the dictator from Hell and American diets!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Time does not stand still

This has been a demanding summer. The heat is on, literally. After two medical surgeries and numerous meetings, numerous requests, entertaining, reading, writing, and even some arithmetic on top of three projects where is the time flying off to?

The days are full and life is sweet. Work continues and whether we believe the economy is on the mend it still continues...each day starts with physical exercise, mental exercise(work) and the daily tasks of eating, sleeping, hygiene, nurture and nourishment...each day will end and another morning begins. We can put our heads in the sand or we can come up with the attitude "I can, I will, I believe". And another day of promise for all with health and the ability to move forward.