Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Green Chatter errors

As a professional I really do not like to make mistakes but alas we all do...the last blog I noticed I did not puralize a word...big difference in the way it reads!

The last of the big news!! Checking spelling does not do it sometimes because spell check is not going to pick that up! Maybe technology will improve to the point of "reading" content...that will put the proof readers out of work!

I need all the help I can get...because I am human and I do make mistakes.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

plastic bottles

Recently while hubby was watching a ball game or something on the tube there was a "commercial" of sorts...the voice said in 2010 we consumed product in enough bottle to go around the world 190 times! Does that include milk, soda, water, and all the other garbage we consume? Don't know but that is a lot of glass and plastic.

The real question is do we need to use that much plastic and glass...?