Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas mayhem

In the city I live in a main highway that runs through the entire state is packed with cars, SUV's, trucks, service vehicles, and everything else with a motor. Even an occasional pedestrian, runner or bike can be seen. Yesterday out for a few errands I thought to myself, cell phones have given us freedom to the dire effects on environment. American are known for their love of independence which is why we shy away from public transportation. In our vehicle of choice we love to drive.

Now the environmental issue is present. How much more gasoline via oil are we using because of the freedom we have based on one technology. As a technology person with a career in telecommunication I am saddened by the way we abuse, without a glance, Mother Nature. Because we can afford, we abuse, each and every one of us, including me. It's there and we will use it until we use it up.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

A Green Moment

Today as we came together to sing our Christmas cantata our minister mentioned buying re-usable adult sippy cups when we were in the choir room. I often think about how many churches could go GREEN and not use up the styrofoam, paper products and plastic ware we use so often for our meals at church.

Maybe if we all adopted taking our own plates and silver and after eating we wiped off the plates and flatware and took it home again to wash. Image how much less would be in land fills.

As Pete Correll and Don Logan said in CEO Speaks, Sage Advice During Turbulent Times
there's just so much water, so much land and so many places to dump it all.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Ethics, Leadership, Persistence,Integrity, Trust, are important

Apparently there are two people with the same name and one blogs about improper behavior. Not sure why people want to publize inappropriate activity...on the internet of all things!

While writing the book CEO Speaks, Sage Advice During Turbulent Times occasionally I would ask the CEO's about ethics or put another way "doing what is right when no one is looking." It's all the way a person wants to live their life. We only have one and it is worth living well. Choices are a simple thing: good or bad, it's all in the choices we make.