Sunday, October 17, 2010

Attending a local university game last night

Walking across campus and observing many young students I could not help be shocked by the involvement with the blackberries, iphones, etc. It was as if the people around were unimportant. What makes this so interesting is relationships are critical if a life is to be successful. Every relationship depends on paying attention to others needs and that is for work, home, family and community.

The engagement with technological devices are not going to keep you warm at night. Nor will it provide love, warmth, a loving home nor a long term relationship...just a few thoughts today.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Changing domicile

Attempting to move and down scale our residence I spent a fair amount of time cleaning out closets. I feel a little stupid. Why do we think we have to fill every nook and cranny including the closets? My hubby must have had five years of magazines saved in the top of the closet. We will keep the recycling truck busy for at least the next few weeks. Not only the magazines but tablet after tablet of writings (mine). Also found a few files with vehicle information and the cars have been gone for YEARS!

I'm more motivated then ever you soul search on the next saving project. It is necessary and when will I use it again? Good questions to start with anyway.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

This is amazing

This is amazing
Digeus has an amazing blog tool SnapIt Screen Capture 3.7 and it is highly effective.
Not sure what other products and services they offer but the blog software is cool!

Humans and creativity is amazing to me. What gifts God gives us is humbling to

Monday, October 11, 2010

Green manufacturing

While complying the book CEO Speaks, Sage Advice During Turbulent Times when I interviewed the CEO of a local steel company. This is what I learned: Steel and aluminum can both be recycled. Nucor has done a great job with that component in their business model. What you see around steel plants is mostly steam. What a relief to know these two important issues about steel manufacturing.

The other fact is the critical nature of safety. Bill Jones told me if someone gets hurt they're usually not following procedures.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Rodan & Fields

The orgins of Proactiv is now into anti aging...all right and away we go. No one wants to look old. No one wants to see wrinkles. No one wants a Botox mouth...well maybe some do but from the side they look like something that lives in the water instead of land.

This is a proven example of a way not to spend thousands on things that do not work.

This is a more natural way to go and I am all for it for those of us that want to go down fighting!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Engines running

This morning we woke to mild temperatures with a promise the day will be hotter. We have enjoyed a week of colder days lately. With a quick run to the store for a few items, after parking, I walk past a vehicle with the motor running. It was then still in the 70's, not exactly hot. Why do Americans think it is their birth right to run motors because they have the money to fill up the tank. Environmentalist could be more active with law enforcement and city hall to have an ordinance passed out-lawing idling to add a slight help to the air quality.

Are some people oblivious to everything but their own needs...yes, of course there is a plethora of oblivious humans.