Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Energy & Telephony

For today's green information check out Stone Rings...I can make your office, your building and budget be lean, mean, Green. I can help you be Lean, Mean & Green...I've got people! I've got network. I've got talent. I've got experts. I've got ethics. I've got a network with ethics. I've got knowledge. I've got smarts and smart people. We have experience, years!! of experience.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Morning Walk

This Memorial Day began with walking around the neighborhood lake. Parking and taking a swig of water we first walked behind the parked cars facing the lake. Noticing one car, windows rolled up, driver reading the newspaper with the motor running. "Protect the Environment", this threw me for a loop! Odd that the gentleman in the car does not know enough to actually care about the environment or he would not be running the car engine while reading. Sometimes there is a fine line between intelligence and total stupidity. Not an uncommon site for drivers to pull up and sit in their vehicle while running the engine especially in the summer months. Sometimes drivers will do the reverse in winter months. My question is why? Is the car more comfortable than a home? If the windows are up and a person is reading how can they enjoy a relaxing environment? And this little lake draws dozens of people each day of the week; runners, walkers, dog walkers,and baby scrollers galore even duck feeders. If we care enough to celebrate or pray or be grateful to all those who serve and served our country in war does if not seem realistic to care about the water, air, plants, animals, other people and quality of live for all creatures big and small?

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Energy again

Saving on energy is so important and realizing that data centers use as much energy as the airlines industry is quite sombering. Now is the time to cut costs by knowing that data centers are getting bigger and growth will only continue as will energy use. As Social Media demand continues energy wiil become more and more valuable. Stay up with updates on social media and new technical applications.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Living Now for Future Generations

The miracle of life and the miracle of learning combined with the miracle of nature and human beings what a wonderful place we live in and on, EARTH. Creation is a wonderful gift, we need to protect, respect, enjoy, embrace while being respectful for all creatures no matter how small or big. We live a blessed life, yes, even in a down time. Let's think about what can help us grow, prosper, learn, help, create, be in the moment and beyond.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Cleaning Tips

Recently reading about the chemicals in our water system I realized there may be some ways to help clean up our water by putting less chemicals in there through home drainage. All the chemicals in paint, household cleaners, washing raw meat, dish detergent, bath soaps, body wash, shampoo, all goes into our drains. Using vinegar, yes, the same vinegar that goes in the salad dressing may help cut back on chemicals in the water system.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Taking a closer look at natural resources and materialism.

Bringing ethics back into the lime light of business. How did we get so selfish with our materialism? We need to treat people with respect; for the individual and for their business. Less consumption will help the environment by eliminating other un-necessary waste and material usage while contributing to Green Earth via less garbage, less resources. So often people to not realize the connection between raw materials, the way products are made and the use of water, metal, plastics (toxins). Awareness is critical to turn this materialism around for future generations to have the basics we take for granted.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Still going to meetings with bottled water?

The hospitality industry is full of ways not to serve the client. Plastic bottles, paper products, styrofoam containers, you name it, it's out there. When are we going to say enough is enough. Convenience is a wonderful experience but when are we going to stop by saying No to waste, everything disposable and be responsible citizens with a conscious for earth and future generations?

Sunday, May 10, 2009

See Stone Rings for Green Savings

Opps, I intended the Green Chatter and Stone Rings to be different today. Oh well, I can be a master at mistakes and it's still all about technology. Stay tuned, tomorrow true stories start.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Energy Use Discussion

Check out the Stone Rings blog for some thought provoking energy information.