Tuesday, March 31, 2009

An article in Life Science magazine April 2009 explains how critical honeybees are to re-pollination of flowers & food, especially apples, blueberries, broccoli and almonds. In 2007 60% of the domestic honeybees died. What we non-scientific people may not understand is human want of weed free yards is part of the problem. Wild bees and bats can not fill the gap left by the dead domestic bees. Removing all wild weeds also removes sources of nurtition and re-pollination of important fruits and vegetables. Little does the general population understand the interaction between nature and humans. Let's keep a few weed patches at least along the roadways.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


I agree with leadership in energy, environment and design for architects and construction companies new buildings but it help environmental efforts if the electronics are using energy off the charts. CFO's, COO's and any accounting firm/personnel need to check the consumption prior to buying any e-products. Ask for manufacturer's technical reference guide and look at the energy page (s). Find out the break even point on usage now and usage for new products.

Saving on corporate dollars for overhead is important.

Monday, March 16, 2009


What is Benzene? Benzene is a organic chemical found in many manufacturered products including furniture, carpet even pharmaceuticals.
Simple and inexpensive ways to eliminate Benzene is to buy plants, especially Peace Lilly, Janet Craig or Kentia Palm and the environment around you
will be clean.